Czech Technical University Digital Library
Provides online access to these documents
- CTU Publishing Activity (E-materials)
- CTU Publishing Activity
- CTU Theses
Electronic materials issued by CTU are organized by following types
Journals [1975]
Acta Polytechnica [944]
Monographs [15]
Books [4]
University Textbooks [10]
OpenAIRE [16]
Proceedings [22]
CTU publishing activity is centralized for easier access and available in the collection
CTU Publishing Activity [1449]
CTU theses are available in particular organizational units, furthermore divided by theses type (bachelor's, master's, doctoral)
Faculty of Civil Engineering [14187]
FSv -
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering [6228]
FS -
Faculty of Electrical Engineering [11277]
Faculty of Architecture [4650]
FA -
Faculty of Transportation Sciences [3762]
FD -
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering [5649]
Faculty of Information Technology [4765]
Klokner Institute [15]
KÚ -
Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies [3621]
Computing and Information Centre [1]
Central Library [2153]
Recently Added
Recenzovaný sborník příspěvků z 24. odborné konference z cyklu Integrované inženýrství v řízení průmyslových podniků na téma Twin transition: společná cesta ke konkurenceschopnosti.
(Czech Technical University in Prague, 2024) -
Turboexpanders for Small-scale Distributed Power Systems operating with Organic Rankine Cycle
; Supervisor: Kolovratník Michal; Opponent: Hoznedl Michal
(České vysoké učení technické v Praze. Vypočetní a informační centrum.Czech Technical University in Prague. Computing and Information Centre., 2025-03-19)The global demand for sustainable and efficient energy solutions has intensified the need for technologies capable of harnessing and exploiting low-grade and low-temperature heat sources for power generation. Small-scale ... -
Vliv technologie reverzního inženýrství na výslednou přesnost součásti
; Supervisor: Dvořák Rudolf; Opponent: Dvořáčková Štěpánka
(České vysoké učení technické v Praze. Vypočetní a informační centrum.Czech Technical University in Prague. Computing and Information Centre., 2025-03-23)Disertační práce je zaměřena na hodnocení přesnosti digitalizovaných součástí vzniklých technologií reverzního inženýrství. Ve čtyřech experimentech je sledován dílčí příspěvek variability výsledků digitalizovaných modelů. ... -
Virtual War Medicine - A Key Element of Modern Warfare
(General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, 2024)The article deals with the impact of wars on the evolution of war medicine. The methodology includes an analysis of current approaches to the integration of new technologies, processes, and artificial intelligence in the ... -
Predictive control of a reheating furnace using a detailed model
(Elsevier B.V., 2025)A model-based control system has been developed for a continuous steel slab reheating furnace with the objective of enhancing heating quality and energy efficiency. The control methodologies employed deliberately use a ...