Influence of Curing Process Parameters on Quality of Electrically Conductive Joints
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příspěvek z konference - elektronickýAuthor
Barto, Seba
Mach, Pavel
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Curing parameters of electrically conductive adhesives are the temperature and the time. These parameters are recommended by a manufacturer of adhesive. The goal of the work is to find which of these parameters is more important for achievement of the low electrical resistance and low nonlinearity of a current vs. voltage characteristic of an adhesive joint. A method of factorial experiments of the type 22 and Taguchi orthogonal array of the type L4 were used for this study. It was found that the joint resistance is mostly influenced by the curing time, less by the curing temperature and the lowest influence has the interaction of the time/temperature. Nonlinearity is also influenced mostly by the curing time and less by the curing temperature and by the interaction time/temperature.
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