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Equivalent Circuit of the Three Phase Induction Motor

dc.contributor.advisorMindl Pavel
dc.contributor.authorTathgir Rishabh
dc.description.abstractThe paper is about Modelling, Simulation and Verification (by way of practical testing) of 3-phase Induction Motor with Direct Torque Control and Inverter, for the purpose of vehicle propulsion. The purpose of my thesis is to simulate the outputs, for a given set of inputs being load torque and motor speed, of an Induction Motor performance, and outputs being motor torque, speed, power, 3 phase currents, AC voltage, power factor and DC current and voltage, and then compare those outputs to that obtained from practical testing of the motor in ČVUT Laboratory in Roztoky. This model, made using MATLAB/ Simulink, can then be used to see the performance of any motor at varying conditions, thus, basically simulating the working of an Induction Motor with Direct Torque Control. It is to replace practically testing a motor at every time and simply use the model to get the performance outputs and parameters, for different motor specifications.cze
dc.description.abstractThe paper is about Modelling, Simulation and Verification (by way of practical testing) of 3-phase Induction Motor with Direct Torque Control and Inverter, for the purpose of vehicle propulsion. The purpose of my thesis is to simulate the outputs, for a given set of inputs being load torque and motor speed, of an Induction Motor performance, and outputs being motor torque, speed, power, 3 phase currents, AC voltage, power factor and DC current and voltage, and then compare those outputs to that obtained from practical testing of the motor in ČVUT Laboratory in Roztoky. This model, made using MATLAB/ Simulink, can then be used to see the performance of any motor at varying conditions, thus, basically simulating the working of an Induction Motor with Direct Torque Control. It is to replace practically testing a motor at every time and simply use the model to get the performance outputs and parameters, for different motor specifications.eng
dc.publisherČeské vysoké učení technické v Praze. Vypočetní a informační centrum.cze
dc.publisherCzech Technical University in Prague. Computing and Information Centre.eng
dc.rightsA university thesis is a work protected by the Copyright Act. Extracts, copies and transcripts of the thesis are allowed for personal use only and at one?s own expense. The use of thesis should be in compliance with the Copyright Act http://www.mkcr.cz/assets/autorske-pravo/01-3982006.pdf and the citation ethics http://knihovny.cvut.cz/vychova/vskp.htmleng
dc.rightsVysokoškolská závěrečná práce je dílo chráněné autorským zákonem. Je možné pořizovat z něj na své náklady a pro svoji osobní potřebu výpisy, opisy a rozmnoženiny. Jeho využití musí být v souladu s autorským zákonem http://www.mkcr.cz/assets/autorske-pravo/01-3982006.pdf a citační etikou http://knihovny.cvut.cz/vychova/vskp.htmlcze
dc.subject3-phase Induction Motor,direct torque control,matlab/simulinkcze
dc.subject3-phase Induction Motor,Direct Torque Control,MATLAB/Simulinkeng
dc.titleEkvivalentní obvod třífázového indukčního motorucze
dc.titleEquivalent Circuit of the Three Phase Induction Motoreng
dc.typediplomová prácecze
dc.typemaster thesiseng
dc.contributor.refereeHaubert Tomáš
theses.degree.disciplineAdvanced Powertrainscze
theses.degree.grantorústav automobilů, spalovacích motorů a kolejových vozidelcze
theses.degree.programmeMaster of Automotive Engineeringcze

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