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dc.contributor.advisorKalina, Pavel
dc.contributor.authorKysilková, Kristyna
dc.description.abstractTato práce se zabývá manuelskou architekturou, což je hlavní fáze pozdně gotického stylu v Portugalsku. V tomto období došlo k přelomovým námořním objevům, které změnily dějiny celého světa. Tyto události reflektovala i manuelská architektura, kterou nelze vnímat odděleně od celospolečenského dění a historických souvislostí. Proto je součástí práce také rozbor vybraných společenských a sociálních témat rezonujících na Pyrenejském poloostrově, jejichž vliv byl patrný i v architektuře. Základem manuelského stylu byla gotická architektura ve své pozdně gotické fázi, v níž se odrážely vlivy různých evropských oblastí. Disertační práce se zaměřuje na spojitosti se střední Evropou, hlavním přínosem práce je poukázání na dosud nezdůrazněné přímé i nepřímé vazby mezi stavebními typologiemi ve střední Evropě a v Portugalsku, v praktické i teoretické rovině. Vzhledem k diverzitě zdrojů vytvářejících manuelskou architekturu a k snaze o uchopení rozboru stylu v jeho komplexnosti jsou v práci analyzovány i ostatní vlivy dokládající jeho internacionalizaci a specifika, například maurské či italské.cze
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation thesis is concerning on the Manueline style in Portugal and possible direct and indirect transfers of the construction typologies, decoration and ideas between Central Europe and Portugal in the Late Gothic period. The Manueline style symbolizes the Age of Discovery and power of Portugal in this historical epoch sometimes called „Golden Age“. The style shows not only richness of this time, but also influences from the „whole world“, which are reflected in architecture too. Although this work is aimed at the links between the Central Europe and Portugal mainly in the architecture, the indroduction of the Manueline style in its complexity includes also the history of the Iberian Peninsula, because it is important for deeper knowledge of its sources. The Manueline style was enriched by some typical architectural forms and decoration elements used in the Central Europe - especially with the spacial concept of the Hall churches, figured vaults and some architectural details as were specific forms of the window jambs or similiar figural ornaments. They were made by builders from the Central Europe, who came to work to Iberian Peninsula. And other craftsmen learned their style and spread it as well. Also some noblemen and ambassadors on diplomatic missions in German speaking countries began to be interested in different architectural style and they brought its ideas to their regions. One of the most important master builders of the Manueline style, Diogo Boytaca probably knew the work of the builders in the Central Europe, as indicates the typology of his work, for example the construction of the Hall church spatial concept or a specific window jamb – called curtain type, which was innovated by the architect Arnold of Westfalen for the ducal residence Albrechtsburg in Saxony. The analysis of the different types of the vaults used by Manueline master builders showed that especially the design of the figured vaults was apparently influenced by similiar figured vaults in the Central Europe, which have possible roots in works of Peter Parler´s family members. These figured vaults spread in various modifications on Iberian Peninsula through constructions made by Juan and Simon de Colonia (Hans and Simon von Köln) and their co-workers. The colleague of Simon de Colonia, João de Castilho brought this sort of vaulting to Portugal. Also Boytaca´s constructions of stellar vaults could be influenced by his possible direct experiences in masonries in the Central Europe. The Manueline architecture is specified also with the deep symbolic meaning of its rich decoration. The figures and elements presented in this work are differed to groups according to their motifs and symbolism. Attention is paid also to the phenomena of the medieval construct of „Wild men“ figures, which were more applied in the portuguese decoration after the marriage emperor Frederic III. with Eleonor of Portugal in 1459. Children of this couple – the emperor Maximilian and his sister Cunigunde were in written contact with the king Manuel and his sister queen Eleonor and their relation brought exchanges of art works between them too. All analyses made in this thesis refer to the active exchange of construction technologies, art works, information and knowledges between Portugal and Central Europe in the researched period.en
dc.subjectPortugalsko, Španělsko, střední Evropa, král Manuel I., královna Leonora, katolická Veličenstva, císař Maxmilián I. ,Damião de Góis, Valentim Fernandes de Morávia, Diogo Boytaca, Mateus Fernandés, João de Castilho, Diogo de Castilho, Diogo de Arruda, Francisco de Arruda, Arnold Westfálský, 15. a 16. století, objevné plavby, konvivencie, architektura, portugalská pozdní gotika, renesance, manuelino, mudéjar, paláce, kláštery, halové kostely, opevněné kostely, pevnosti přechodného typu, nemocnice, klenební vzorce, mikroarchitektura, sochařský a ornamentální dekor, symbolika, věda, vzdělanost, matematické spisy, architektonické traktátycze
dc.subjectPortugal, Spain, Central Europe, 15th century, 16th century, Age of Discovery, King Manuel, Emperor Maximilian, Queen Eleonor, Late Gothic architecture, Manueline style, Mudéjar, Hall churches, fortresses, vaults, micro-architecture, ornaments, symbolical meaning, knowledge, science, educationen
dc.titleManuelská gotika a její vztah k pozdně gotické architektuře ve střední Evropě.cze
dc.typedisertační prácecze
dc.contributor.refereeŠtěpánek, Pavel
dc.contributor.refereeKibic, Karel
dc.description.departmentÚstav teorie a dějin architektury
theses.degree.disciplineDějiny architektury a památková péče
theses.degree.grantorČeské vysoké učení technické v Praze. Fakulta architektury. Ústav teorie a dějin architektury
theses.degree.programmeArchitektura a urbanismus

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