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dc.contributor.authorFetisov O.
dc.identifier.citationFETISOV, O. Ohrana pamjatnikov arhitektury v kontekste renovacii industrial'nogo nasledija kak social'no-kul'turnyj metod (na primere Cheshskoj respubliki). Budivel'ne vyrobnyctvo. 2015, 2015(58 (1)), 84-87. ISSN 0135-1702.
dc.identifier.issn0135-1702 (print)
dc.description.abstractDannaja rabota posvjashhena vazhnoj probleme vseh postindustrial'nyh gorodov v Cheshskoj respublike - ohrane potencial'nyh pamjatnikov arhitektury pri renovacii industrial'nogo nasledija. Obosnovana aktual'nost' provedenija issledovanija v dannom napravlenii. Vyjavleny osnovnye zadachi ohrany arhitektury industrial'nogo nasledija. V kachestve naibolee optimal'nogo reshenija v ramkah meroprijatij po ohrane predlozhena renovacija s integraciej social'no-kul'turnyh funkcij.rus
dc.publisherNaukovo-doslidnyj instytut budivel'nogo vyrobnyctva
dc.relation.ispartofBudivel'ne vyrobnyctvo
dc.subjectindustrial architectureeng
dc.subjectindustrial heritageeng
dc.subjectadaptive reuseeng
dc.titleOhrana pamjatnikov arhitektury v kontekste renovacii industrial'nogo nasledija kak social'no-kul'turnyj metod (na primere Cheshskoj respubliki)rus
dc.title.alternativeConservation of architecture in the frame of adaptive reuse of industrial heritage as the socio-cultural method (on the Czech Republic example)eng
dc.typečlánek v časopisecze
dc.typejournal articleeng
dc.description.abstract-translatedThe present article deals with the important problem of post-industrial cities in the Czech Republic - conservation of architecture in the frame of adaptive reuse of industrial heritage. The relevancy of present research have been defined. The general tasks for conservation of the industrial heritage architecture have been defined. As the most acceptable approach in the frame of conservation concept the adaptive reuse for the new social and cultural function has been suggested.eng

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