Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Low-resistance ohmic contacts on boron-doped {113} oriented homoepitaxial diamond layers 

      Author: Hazdra P.; Laposa A.; Šobáň Z.; Voves J.; Lambert N.; Davydova M.; Povolný V.; Taylor A.; Mortet V.
      (Elsevier Science, 2022)
      Refractory metals (titanium, molybdenum, and zirconium) with a gold overlayer were used to form ohmic contacts on {113}-oriented boron-doped diamond epitaxial layers. Morphology and thickness of deposited layers were ...
    • Low-resistance ohmic contacts on boron-doped {113} oriented homoepitaxial diamond layers 

      Author: Hazdra P.; Laposa A.; Šobáň Z.; Voves J.; Lambert N.; Davydova M.; Povolný V.; Taylor A.; Mortet V.
      (Elsevier Science, 2022)
      Refractory metals (titanium, molybdenum, and zirconium) with a gold overlayer were used to form ohmic contacts on {113}-oriented boron doped diamond epitaxial layers (boron concentration ranging from 1019 to 1021 cm−3). ...