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dc.contributor.authorZimmermann, Karel
dc.contributor.authorSvoboda, Tomáš
dc.contributor.authorMatas, Jiří
dc.identifier.citationKarel Zimmermann, Tomáš Svoboda, and Jirí Matas. Adaptive parameter optimization for real-time tracking. In Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, workshop on Non-rigid registration and tracking through learning, page 8, Madison, USA, October 2007. Omnipress.cze
dc.description.abstractAdaptation of a tracking procedure combined in a common way with a Kalman filter is formulated as an constrained optimization problem, where a trade-off between precision and loss-of-lock probability is explicitly taken into account. While the tracker is learned in order to minimize computational complexity during a learning stage, in a tracking stage the precision is maximized online under a constraint imposed by the loss-of-lock probability resulting in an optimal setting of the tracking procedure. We experimentally show that the proposed method converges to a steady solution in all variables. In contrast to a common Kalman filter based tracking, we achieve a significantly lower state covariance matrix. We also show, that if the covariance matrix is continuously updated, the method is able to adapt to a different situations. If a dynamic model is precise enough the tracker is allowed to spend a longer time with a fine motion estimation, however, if the motion gets saccadic, i.e. unpredictable by the dynamic model, the method automatically gives up the precision in order to avoid loss-of-lock.eng
dc.rights© 2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.eng
dc.titleAdaptive Parameter Optimization for Real-time Trackingcze
dc.typepříspěvek z konference - elektronickýcze

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