• A Linear Programming Approach to Max-sum Problem: A Review 

      Autor: Werner, Tomáš
      (Center for Machine Perception, Department of Cybernetics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, 2005-12)
      The max-sum labeling problem, de ned as maximizing a sum of functions of pairs of discrete variables, is a general optimization problem with numerous applications, e.g., computing MAP assignments of a Markov random eld. ...
    • Fast Detection of Multiple Textureless 3-D Objects 

      Autor: Cai, Hongping; Werner, Tomáš; Matas, Jiří
      (Springer, 2013)
      We propose a fast edge-based approach for detection and approximate pose estimation of multiple textureless objects in a single image. The objects are trained from a set of edge maps, each showing one object in one pose. ...
    • Fixed Points of Loopy Belief Propagation as Zero Gradients of a Function of Reparameterizations 

      Autor: Werner, Tomáš
      (Center for Machine Perception, Department of Cybernetics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, 2010-02)
      The existing view on loopy belief propagation sees it as an algorithm to nd a common zero of a system of non-linear functions, not explicitly related to each other. We show that these functions are in fact related { they ...
    • Joint Orientation of Epipoles 

      Autor: Chum, Ondřej; Werner, Tomáš; Pajdla, Tomáš
      (British Machine Vision Association, 2003-09)
      It is known that epipolar constraint can be augmented with orientation by formulating it in the oriented projective geometry. This oriented epipolar constraint requires knowing the orientations (signs of overall scales) ...
    • jSLIC : superpixels in ImageJ 

      Autor: Borovec, Jiří; Kybic, Jan
      (Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics, 2014)
      This paper presents the implementation and particular improvements on the superpixel clustering algorithm - SLIC (Simple Linear Iterative Clustering). The main contribution of the jSLIC is a significant speed-up of the ...
    • Linear Programming Relaxation Approach to Weighted CSP 

      Autor: Werner, Tomáš
    • Marginal Consistency: Unifying Constraint Propagation on Commutative Semirings 

      Autor: Werner, Tomáš
      (Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique, 2008-09)
      We generalise the linear programming relaxation approach to Weighted CSP by Schlesinger and the max-sum diffusion algorithm by Koval and Kovalevsky twice: from Weighted CSP to Semiring CSP, and from binary networks to ...
    • Model Selection for Automated Architectural Reconstruction from Multiple Views 

      Autor: Werner, Tomáš; Zisserman, Andrew
      (British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2002-09)
      We describe progress in automatically fitting a plane plus modelled perturbation surface model to represent architectural scenes. There are two areas of novelty. The first is a method of fitting parametrized models in which ...
    • A Multi-Frequency Approach to Increase the Native Resolution of Ultrasound Images 

      Autor: Varray, François; Cachard, Christian; Kybic, Jan; Novell, Anthony; Bouakaz, Ayache; Basset, Olivier
      (IEEE, 2012)
      In ultrasound (US), a natural competition exists between the resolution of the image and the depth-of-field (DOF) into the medium, competition which is difficult to overcome with current US probe. Using large bandwidth ...
    • Primal View on Belief Propagation 

      Autor: Werner, Tomáš
      (AUAI Press, 2010-07)
      It is known that xed points of loopy belief propagation (BP) correspond to stationary points of the Bethe variational problem, where we minimize the Bethe free energy subject to normalization and marginalization constraints. ...
    • Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Sequences 

      Autor: Głowacki, Przemysław; Amável Pinheiro, Miguel; Türetken, Engin; Sznitman, Raphael; Lebrecht, Daniel; Kybic, Jan; Holtmaat, Anthony; Fua, Pascal
      We propose an approach to reconstructing tree structures that evolve over time in 2D images and 3D image stacks such as neuronal axons or plant branches. Instead of reconstructing structures in each image independently, ...
    • Revisiting the Decomposition Approach to Inference in Exponential Families and Graphical Models 

      Autor: Werner, Tomáš
      (Center for Machine Perception, Department of Cybernetics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, 2009-05)
    • Revisiting the Linear Programming Relaxation Approach to Gibbs Energy Minimization and Weighted Constraint Satisfaction 

      Autor: Werner, Tomáš
      (IEEE, 2010)
      We present a number of contributions to the LP relaxation approach to weighted constraint satisfaction (= Gibbs energy minimization). We link this approach to many works from constraint programming, which relation has so ...
    • Unified Framework for Semiring-Based Arc Consistency and Relaxation Labeling 

      Autor: Werner, Tomáš; Shekhovtsov, Alexander
      (Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2007-02)
      Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP), including its soft modifications, is ubiquitous in artificial intelligence and related fields. In computer vision and pattern recognition, the crisp CSP is more known as the consistent ...
    • What Is Decreased by the Max-sum Arc Consistency Algorithm? 

      Autor: Werner, Tomáš
      (ACM, 2007)
      Inference tasks in Markov random fields (MRFs) are closely related to the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) and its soft generalizations. In particular, MAP inference in MRF is equivalent to the weighted (maxsum) CSP. ...
    • Zero-Temperature Limit of a Convergent Algorithm to Minimize the Bethe Free Energy 

      Autor: Werner, Tomáš
      (Center for Machine Perception, Department of Cybernetics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, 2011-12)
      After the discovery that xed points of loopy belief propagation coincide with stationary points of the Bethe free energy, several researchers proposed provably convergent algorithms to directly minimize the Bethe free ...