Now showing items 100-110 of 110

    • Unconstrained Licence Plate and Text Localization and Recognition 

      Author: Matas, Jiří; Zimmermann, Karel
      (IEEE, 2005-09)
      Licence plates and traffic signs detection and recognition have a number of different applications relevant for transportation systems, such as traffic monitoring, detection of stolen vehicles, driver navigation support ...
    • Unified Framework for Semiring-Based Arc Consistency and Relaxation Labeling 

      Author: Werner, Tomáš; Shekhovtsov, Alexander
      (Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2007-02)
      Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP), including its soft modifications, is ubiquitous in artificial intelligence and related fields. In computer vision and pattern recognition, the crisp CSP is more known as the consistent ...
    • Unsupervised Discovery of Co-occurrence in Sparse High Dimensional Data 

      Author: Chum, Ondřej; Matas, Jiří
      (IEEE, 2010-06)
      An efficient min-Hash based algorithm for discovery of dependencies in sparse high-dimensional data is presented. The dependencies are represented by sets of features co-occurring with high probability and are called ...
    • Unwarping of Unidirectionally Distorted EPI Images 

      Author: Kybic, Jan; Thévenaz, Philippe; Nirkko, Arto; Unser, Michael
      (IEEE, 2000-02)
      Echo-planar imaging (EPI) is a fast nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method. Unfortunately, local magnetic field inhomogeneities induced mainly by the subject's presence cause significant geometrical distortion, ...
    • Using gradient information to enhance the Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform 

      Author: Galambos, C.; Kittler, J.; Matas, J.
      (IEEE, 2000)
      In this paper we look at the benefits to be gained in using gradient information to enhance the progressive probabilistic Hough transform (PPHT). It is shown how using the angle information in controlling the voting process ...
    • Using grammars for scene interpretation 

      Author: Christensen, H.I.; Matas, J.; Kittler, J.
      (IEEE, 1996-09)
      A method that employs grammars to direct the inference process of a vision system that does interpretation of dynamic scenes is described. The system uses a set of qualitative image descriptors to drive the interpretation. ...
    • WaldBoost – Learning for Time Constrained Sequential Detection 

      Author: Šochman, Jan; Matas, Jiří
      (IEEE, 2005-06)
      In many computer vision classification problems, both the error and time characterizes the quality of a decision. We show that such problems can be formalized in the framework of sequential decision-making. If the false ...
    • Wald’s Sequential Analysis for Time-constrained Vision Problems 

      Author: Matas, Jiří; Šochman, Jan
      (IEEE, 2007-04)
      In detection and matching problems in computer vision, both classification errors and time to decision characterize the quality of an algorithmic solution. We show how to formalize such problems in the framework of sequential ...
    • Wearable face recognition aid 

      Author: Iordanoglou, C.; Jonsson, K.; Kittler, J.; Matas, J.
      (IEEE, 2000)
      The feasibility of realising a low cost wearable face recognition aid based on a robust correlation algorithm is investigated. The aim of the study is to determine the limiting spatial and grey level resolution of the probe ...
    • What Is Decreased by the Max-sum Arc Consistency Algorithm? 

      Author: Werner, Tomáš
      (ACM, 2007)
      Inference tasks in Markov random fields (MRFs) are closely related to the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) and its soft generalizations. In particular, MAP inference in MRF is equivalent to the weighted (maxsum) CSP. ...
    • Zero-Temperature Limit of a Convergent Algorithm to Minimize the Bethe Free Energy 

      Author: Werner, Tomáš
      (Center for Machine Perception, Department of Cybernetics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, 2011-12)
      After the discovery that xed points of loopy belief propagation coincide with stationary points of the Bethe free energy, several researchers proposed provably convergent algorithms to directly minimize the Bethe free ...