• A Linear Eddy Current Speed Sensor With a Perpendicular Coils Configuration 

      Autor: Mirzaei M.; Ripka P.
      (IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, 2021)
      This paper presents a new linear eddy current speed sensor with rectangular-shaped coils. The excitation coil and the pick-up coil have a perpendicular configuration without a magnetic yoke. The proposed sensor is shorter ...
    • Rotational Eddy Current Speed Sensor 

      Autor: Mirzaei M.; Ripka P.; Vyhnánek J.; Chirtsov A.; Grim V.
      (IEEE, 2019)
      A novel eddy current speed sensor is developed to measure the rotational speed of conductive objects. The sensor consists of one excitation coil and two pick-up coils around a rotating cylinder or rod. The sensor does not ...