Impact of IP Chanel Parameters on the Final Quality of the Transferred Voice
Typ dokumentu
disertační práceAutor
Slavata, Oldřich
Vedoucí práce
Holub, Jan
Studijní obor
Měřicí technikaStudijní program
Elektrotechnika a informatikaInstituce přidělující hodnost
České vysoké učení technické v Praze. Fakulta elektrotechnická. Katedra měřeníMetadata
Zobrazit celý záznamAbstrakt
The subject of this dissertation is the measurement of quality of voice
transmission over IP networks. Development in digitization, encoding and
transmission of the speech is very fast, as well as the development of network
elements and increasing transmission capacity and network reliability. It also
puts increased demands on the development and implementation of methods
for measuring the quality of voice transmission. Objective algorithms and
subjective test methods must respond to new kinds of faults and disturbances.
The problem is that the methodology of subjective and partly objective tests is
based on ITU-T Recommendation P.800 of 1993 and was designed for use in
conventional telephone networks. With the current low rate and irregular
occurrence of errors, the used samples are too short.
In the first part of this thesis, the protocols and codecs which are most often
used for speech transmission are described. The following describes the
methods and algorithms currently used to measure the transmission quality. In
this thesis is mainly used algorithm POLQA then PESQ and 3SQM.
In the second part of this thesis, the effect of various IP network parameters on
the voice quality is verified in the series of experiments. Tested parameters are
delay, delay variation (jitter), packet loss, QoS and various codecs. The influence
of the length of the sample on the measuring results using an objective
algorithm is also evaluated. The effects of static delay on the quality of the
conversation and the effects of stress evaluators on the results of these tests
are investigated using subjective tests.
In the second part of this work, a methodology for subjective tests using long
samples is suggested. The subject of the investigation is in addition to the length
of the sample as well the method of collection and analysis of data from the
evaluators. The investigated methods are: a classic one with evaluation at the
end, equidistant with ratings at regular intervals and random with ratings
anytime during the sample. These methods differ in the final evaluation of the
sample and its uncertainty.
Thanks to the use of longer samples, it is possible to reduce the number of
repetitions and the subjective tests are simplified while maintaining the
required accuracy. Experimental results showed the influence of jitter, packet
loss, the codec used and methods of QoS on the transmission quality. Influence
of static delay on the quality of the conversation was also confirmed.
Differences in results are noticeable in comparison of objective algorithms. It is
caused by the the progressive development of algorithms.
- Disertační práce - 13000 [739]
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