Zobrazují se záznamy 93-112 z 169

    • On an Algorithm for Multiperiodic Words 

      Autor: Holub , Štepán
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      We consider an algorithm by Tijdeman and Zamboni constructing a word of length k thathas periods p1, . . . , pr, and the richest possible alphabet. We show that this algorithm can be easilystated and its correctness briefly ...

      Autor: Hlavatý , Ladislav; Navrátil , Josef; Šnobl , Libor
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Covariance of the one-loop renormalization group equations with respect to Poisson–Lie T-plurality of sigma models is discussed. The role of ambiguities in renormalization group equations of Poisson–Lie sigma models with ...
    • On Some Statistical Properties of GRBs with Measured Redshifts Having Peaks in Optical Light Curves 

      Autor: Beskin , Grigorii; Greco , Giuseppe; Oganesyan , Gor; Karpov , Sergey
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      We studied the subset of optical light curves of gamma-ray bursts with measured redshifts and well-sampled R band data that have clearly detected peaks. Among 43 such events, 11 are promptoptical peaks (P), coincident with ...
    • On the Solvability of Some Partial Differential Inequality 

      Autor: Himmel , Martin
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The Dulac criterion is a classical method for ruling out the existence of periodic solutions in planar differential equations. In this paper the applicability and therefore reversibility of this criterionis under consideration.

      Autor: Strauss, Thomas
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The OPERA experiment is a long baseline neutrino oscillation  experiment aimed at observing the νμ → ντ neutrino oscillation in the CERN neutrino to Gran Sasso beamline in the appearance mode by detecting the τ-decay. Here ...

      Autor: Kundt, Wolfgang
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      This short presentation will update my more than 25 years long attempts at understandingthe actions of the Central Engine at our Galactic Center.
    • Particle Dynamics in the RMP Ergodic Layer under the Influence of Edge Plasma Turbulence 

      Autor: Kurian , Matúš; Krlín , Ladislav; Cahyna , Pavel; Pánek , Radomír
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The complex processes in edge tokamak plasma are affected (among others) both by resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) and by plasma turbulence. RMP is nowadays considered to be a candidate for the mitigation of the ...
    • Photometric Analysis of Pi of the Sky Data 

      Autor: Opiela , Rafał; Małek , Katarzyna; Mankiewicz , Lech; Siudek , Małgorzata; Sokołowski , Marcin; Żarnecki , Aleksander Filip
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Two fully automatic Pi of the Sky detectors with a large field of view, located in Spain (INTA) and in Chile (SPDA) observe the sky in search of rare optical phenomena, and also collect observations which include many kinds ...
    • Physical and Electrical Properties of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films Prepared by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering 

      Autor: Golosov, Dmitriy A.; Zavatskiy, Sergey M.; Melnikov, Sergey N.
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      This paper presents the electrophysical characteristics of a 7 mol.% yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) thin film deposited by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering. In order to form the crystallinestructure, the deposited ...
    • Pin Hole Discharge Creation in Na2SO4 Water Solutions 

      Autor: Hlavatá , Lucie; Serbanescu , Rodica; Hlochová , Lenka; Kozáková , Zdenka; Krčma , František
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      This work deals with the diaphragm discharge generated in water solutions containing Na2SO4 as a supporting electrolyte. The solution conductivity was varied in the range of 270 ÷ 750 µScm-1. The batch plasma reactor with ...
    • Plasma–Surface Interactions Under High Heat and Particle Fluxes 

      Autor: Temmerman , Gregory De; Bystrov , Kirill; Liu , Feng; Liu , Wei; Morgan , Thomas; Tanyeli , Irem; Berg , Miranda van den; Xu , Haiyan; Zielinski , Jakub
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The plasma-surface interactions expected in the divertor of a future fusion reactor are characterized by extreme heat and particle fluxes interacting with the plasma-facing surfaces. Powerful linear plasma generators are ...

      Autor: Ziółkowski, Janusz
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      In this review, I will briefly discuss the different types of black hole (BH) populations (supermassive, intermediate mass and stellar mass BHs) both in the Galaxy and in the Magellanic Clouds and compare them with each other.
    • Positioning of the Precursor Gas Inlet in an Atmospheric Dielectric Barrier Reactor, and its Effect on the Quality of Deposited TiOx Thin Film Surface 

      Autor: Píchal , Jan; Klenko , Julia
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Thin film technology has become pervasive in many applications in recent years, but it remains difficult to select the best deposition technique. A further consideration is that, due to ecological demands, we are forced ...

      Autor: Bruno, A.; Adriani, O.; Barbarino, G. C.; Bazilevskaya, G. A.; Bellotti, R.; Boezio, M.; Bogomolov, E. A.; Bongi, M.; Bonvicini, V.; Borisov, S.; Bottai, S.; Cafagna, F.; Campana, D.; Carbone, R.; Carlson, P.; Casolino, M.; Castellini, G.; Consiglio, L.; De Pascale, M. P.; De Santis, C.; De Simone, N.; Di Felice, V.; Galper, A. M.; Gillard, W.; Grishantseva, L.; Jerse, G.; Karelin, A. V.; Kheymits, M. D.; Koldashov, S. V.; Krutkov, S. Y.; Kvashnin, A. N.; Leonov, A.; Malakhov, V.; Marcelli, L.; Mayorov, A. G.; Menn, W.; Mikhailov, V. V.; Mocchiutti, E.; Monaco, A.; Mori, N.; Nikonov, N.; Osteria, G.; Palma, F.; Papini, P.; Pearce, M.; Picozza, P.; Pizzolotto, C.; Ricci, M.; Ricciarini, S. B.; Rossetto, L.; Sarkar, R.; Simon, M.; Sparvoli, R.; Spillantini, P.; Stozhkov, Y. I.; Vacchi, A.; Vannuccini, E.; Vasilyev, G.; Voronov, S. A.; Yurkin, Y. T.; Wu, J.; Zampa, G.; Zampa, N.; Zverev, V. G.
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The PAMELA experiment was launched on board the Resurs-DK1 satellite on June 15th 2006. The apparatus was designed to conduct precision studies of charged cosmic radiation over a wide energy range, from tens of MeV up to ...
    • Predictive Models in Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease from EEG 

      Autor: Tylova , Lucie; Kukal , Jaromir; Vysata , Oldrich
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The fluctuation of an EEG signal is a useful symptom of EEG quasi-stationarity. Linear predictive models of three types and their prediction error are studied via traditional and robust measures. The resulting EEG ...

      Autor: Chadzitaskos , Goce; Tolar , Jiří
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      A overview of our patented proposals of new optical elements is presented. The elements are suitable for laser pulse analysis, telescopy, X-ray microscopy and X-ray telescopy. They are based on the interference properties ...
    • Proton- and -radiation of the Micro-Pinch with the Boron-Containing Target 

      Autor: Gurin , Anatolii A.; Adamenko , Andrii S.; Adamenko , Stanislav V.; Kuzmenko , Mykola M.
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Using ion pinhole camera and track detectors, the image of hot spot is recorded in a pulsed diode micro-pinch equipped with a solid anode target. The track image is a record of repeated fronts of fast protons with energies ...

      Autor: Antink Hoog, Christoph; Leonhardt , Steffen
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia, the variation in the heart rate synchronized with the breathing cycle, forms an interconnection between cardiac-related and respiratory-related signals. It can be used by itself for diagnostic ...

      Autor: Fargion, Daniele
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      UHECR (Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays) were expected to be protons, to fly straight and to suffer of a GZK (opacity on CMB radiation) cut off. AUGER did suggest on 2007 that such early UHECR anisotropy was compatible with ...

      Autor: Grieder, Peter K. F.
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      We outline the current situation in ultrahigh energy (UHE) cosmic ray physics, pointing out the remaining problems, in particular the puzzle concerning the origin of the primary radiation and the role of neutrino astronomy ...