• Nuclear Fusion Effects Induced in Intense Laser-Generated Plasmas 

      Autor: Torrisi , Lorenzo; Cavallaro , Salvatore; Cutroneo , Mariapompea; Krasa , Josef
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Deutered polyethylene (CD2)n thin and thick targets were irradiated in high vacuum by infrared laser pulses at 1015W/cm2 intensity. The high laser energy transferred to the polymer generates plasma, expanding in vacuum at ...
    • Ignition Features of Plasma-Beam Discharge in Gas-Discharge Electron Gun Operation 

      Autor: Tutyk , Valery A.; Ovcharuk , Anatoliy N.; Gasik , Michail I.; Maslenikov , Dmitriy V.
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The current paper presents the results of experimental researches to determine the mode features of plasma-beam discharge (PBD) generation by an electron beam injected by a low-vacuum gasdischarge electron gun (LGEG) with ...
    • Fractal Dimension Estimation in Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease 

      Autor: Hubata-Vacek , Václav; Kukal , Jaromír; Rusina , Robert; Buncová , Marie
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Estimated entropies from a limited data set are always biased. Consequently, it is not a trivial task to calculate the entropy in real tasks. In this paper, we used a generalized definition of entropy to evaluate the ...
    • Characterization of Human Gait using Fuzzy Logic 

      Autor: Kutilek , Patrik; Viteckova , Slavka; Svoboda , Zdenek
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      In medical practice, there is no appropriate widely-used application of a system based on fuzzy logic for identifying the lower limb movement type or type of walking. The object of our study was to determine characteristics ...
    • A Study of Coherent Radiation Generated in an Ablative Capillary Discharge 

      Autor: Hübner , Jakub; Vrba , Pavel
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Feasible soft-X-ray amplification in the CVI and NVII Balmer transition is investigated in a capillary discharge. The best conditions and parameters for the experimental set-up are found for an ablative capillary. The ...
    • In memory of Alois Apfelbeck: An Interconnection between Cayley-Eisenstein-Pólya and Landau Probability Distributions 

      Autor: Vojta , Vladimír
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The interconnection between the Cayley-Eisenstein-Pólya distribution and the Landau distribution is studied, and possibly new transform pairs for the Laplace and Mellin transform and integral expressions for the Lambert W ...
    • Predictive Models in Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease from EEG 

      Autor: Tylova , Lucie; Kukal , Jaromir; Vysata , Oldrich
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The fluctuation of an EEG signal is a useful symptom of EEG quasi-stationarity. Linear predictive models of three types and their prediction error are studied via traditional and robust measures. The resulting EEG ...
    • Modification of Composite Material Fillers by Atmospheric Plasma Discharge 

      Autor: Tichy , David; Hajkova , Pavlina
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      This work is focused on the observation of the influence of cold atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) on a modification of textile samples. The main objective of the experiment is to research wettability change ...
    • Stimulated Raman Backscattering in Plasma — a Promising Tool for the Generation of Ultra-High Power Laser Beams 

      Autor: Turčičová , Hana; Huynh , Jaroslav
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      In the last fifteen years stimulated Raman backscattering (SRBS) in plasma has been intensively elaborated as a promising tool on the way towards high intense lasers. There are several advantages of this technique in ...
    • Inactivation of Candida albicans by Corona Discharge: The Increase of Inhibition Zones Area After Far Subsequent Exposition 

      Autor: Fantova , Vladyslava; Bujaček , Karol; Kříha , Vítězslav; Julák , Jaroslav
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The cold atmospheric pressure plasma generated by the negative corona discharge has inhibition effect on the microorganism growth. This effect is well-known and it can be demonstrated on the surface of cultivation agar ...
    • Thomson Parabola Spectrometer for Energetic Ions Emitted from Sub-ns Laser Generated Plasmas 

      Autor: Cutroneo , Mariapompea; Torrisi , Lorenzo; Ando’ , Lucio; Cavallaro , Salvatore; Ullschmied , Jiri; Krasa , Josef; Margarone , Daniele; Velyhan , Andreji; Pfeifer , Miroslav
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Laser-generated plasmas were obtained in high vacuum by irradiating micrometric thin films (Au, Au/Mylar, Mylar) with the Asterix laser at the PALS Research Infrastructure in Prague. Irradiations at the fundamental wavelength, ...
    • The Construction of the Fast Resistive Bolometer for a SXR Measurement on the GIT-12 Facility 

      Autor: Cikhardt , Jakub; Klír , Daniel; Kubeš , Pavel; Kravárik , Josef; Rezác , Karel; Šíla , Ondrej; Shishlov , Alexander V.; Labetsky , Alexey Yu.
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      A lot of kinds of instruments are used for the SXR measurement at pulsed power facilities, but most of them are difficult to calibrate absolutely. For the determination of the energy of SXR radiated by the discharge on ...
    • Local Magnetohydrodynamic Characteristics of the Plasma Stream generated by MPC 

      Autor: Cherednychenko , Tatyana N.; Garkusha , Igor E.; Chebotarev , Vladimir V.; Solyakov , Dmytro G.; Petrov , Yuriy V.; Ladygina , Maryna S.; Eliseev , Dmytro V.; Chuvilo , Alexander A.
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      This paper investigates the spatial distributions of electrical current which flows inside the plasma stream generated by a magnetoplasma compressor (MPC). Two different modes of MPC operation with different gas supply ...
    • Proton- and -radiation of the Micro-Pinch with the Boron-Containing Target 

      Autor: Gurin , Anatolii A.; Adamenko , Andrii S.; Adamenko , Stanislav V.; Kuzmenko , Mykola M.
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Using ion pinhole camera and track detectors, the image of hot spot is recorded in a pulsed diode micro-pinch equipped with a solid anode target. The track image is a record of repeated fronts of fast protons with energies ...
    • The Research on Atmospheric Pressure Water Vapour Plasma Generation and Application for the Destruction of Wastes 

      Autor: Grigaitiene , Viktorija; Tamošiunas , Andrius; Valatkevičius , Pranas
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      In the Lithuanian Energy Institute an experimental atmospheric pressure Ar/water vapour plasma torch has been designed and tested. The power of plasma torch was estimated 40 ÷ 69 kW, the mean temperature of plasma jet at ...
    • Pin Hole Discharge Creation in Na2SO4 Water Solutions 

      Autor: Hlavatá , Lucie; Serbanescu , Rodica; Hlochová , Lenka; Kozáková , Zdenka; Krčma , František
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      This work deals with the diaphragm discharge generated in water solutions containing Na2SO4 as a supporting electrolyte. The solution conductivity was varied in the range of 270 ÷ 750 µScm-1. The batch plasma reactor with ...
    • Instability Growth Rate Dependence on Input Parameters During the Beam–Target Plasma Interaction 

      Autor: Horký , Miroslav
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The two-stream instability without magnetic field is described by the well-known Buneman dispersion relation. For more complicated situations we need to use the Generalized Buneman Dispersion Relation derived by Kulhánek, ...
    • Systems of Electronic Overcurrent Protection in Pulse Power Generator Operating on Plasma Load 

      Autor: Godun , Dmitriy V.; Bordusov , Sergey. V.; Dostanko , Anatoliy P.
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Schematic peculiarities of pulsed power source and modulator-shaper for working on high instability plasma load are discussed. In its construction should be provided for several levels of overcurrent protection. First of ...
    • X-ray Spectroscopic Characterization of Shock-Ignition-Relevant plasmas 

      Autor: Šmíd , Michal; Antonelli , Luca; Renner , Oldoich
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Experiments with multilayer plastic/Cu targets performed at a PALS laser system aimed at the study of matter at conditions relevant to a shock ignition ICF scheme, and, in particular, at the investigation of hot electrons ...
    • Luiza: Analysis Framework for GLORIA 

      Autor: Żarnecki , Aleksander Filip; Piotrowski , Lech Wiktor; Mankiewicz , Lech; Małek , Sebastian
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The Luiza analysis framework for GLORIA is based on the Marlin package, which was originally developed for data analysis in the new High Energy Physics (HEP) project, International Linear Collider (ILC). The HEP experiments ...