Zobrazují se záznamy 1-10 z 2

    electrophysiology (1)
    elektrofyziologie (1)
    excitabilní prostředí (1)
    excitable media (1)
    FitzHugh-Nagumo model (1)
    FitzHughův Nagumův model (1)
    For this purpose,measurements in vitro were carried out using plastic flow phantom with the possibility to change the rate of constant flow. Spatial resolution was also altered. To simulate non-laminar flow,an artificial valve was inserted into the phantom tube. The error of eddy currents effect as well as its dependence on slice orientation was subsequently measured using a static gel phantom. Examination of two pacients,one with a healthy aortal valve and the other with a valve stenosis,were performed. These data were used to assess the error resulting from an under- and oversized ROI and from a temporal resolution.It was found out that the noise error (0.05%) of constant flow stroke volume is neglectable compared to flow fluctuations (0.25%). The partial volume effect resulted in more severe error (+0.45%) in the in vivo measurement. The error of eddy currents effect was not evaluated with certainty,we estimate a value of 3 %. An undersized ROI may result in fatal underestimation of stroke volume,whereas an oversized boundary leads to an error up to 6%. The non-laminar flow stroke volume error was of +8% in our case.The over-all error of all investigated effects combined remains below 10% for laminar flow. It is important to note,however,that not all possible sources of errors were examined and also that some of the erros were assessed in vitro only. Additionally,some of the measured data suggest a possibly not negligible stroke volume changes dependent on pacient's heart rate (1)
    heat equation (1)
    magnetická rezonance,tok,fázový kontrast,fantom,chyby klíčová slova EN: magnetic resonance imaging,flow,phase-contrast,phantom,errors abstrakt CZ: Metoda fázového kontrastu je metodou MR angiografie,která umožňuje kvantifikovat rychlost proudění a celkový průtok např. krve. Je ovšem zatížena několika zdroji chyb,např. efektem částečného objemu,šumem nebo způsobem výběru oblasti zájmu (ROI). Tato práce si dává za cíl některé z uplatňujících se vlivů kvantitativně zhodnotit a porovnat jejich významnost (1)
    reaction-diffusion equation (1)