Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Advances in Magnetic Field Sensors 

      Author: Ripka, Pavel; Janošek, Michal
      (IEEE, 2010-06)
      The most important milestone in the field of magnetic sensors was when AMR sensors started to replace Hall sensors in many applications where the greater sensitivity of AMRs was an advantage. GMR and SDT sensors finally ...
    • Bi-Metallic Magnetic Wire With Insulating Layer as Core for Orthogonal Fluxgate 

      Author: Butta, M.; Ripka, P.; Infante, G.; Badini-Confalonieri, G. A.; Vázquez, M.
      (IEEE, 2009-10)
      In this paper, we examine the problems related to orthogonal fluxgates realized using magnetic microwires as core. Starting from a description of orthogonal fluxgates evolution, we give a theoretical analysis of the problems ...
    • Crossfield Sensitivity in AMR Sensors 

      Author: Ripka, Pavel; Janošek, Michal; Butta, Mattia
      (IEEE, 2009-10)
      We discuss the origin of the crossfield sensitivity of AMR sensors, the way how this error may influence the performance of an AMR compass and methods for its correction. Finally, we confirm the simple formulas experimentally. ...
    • Linearity of Pulse Excited Coil-Less Fluxgate 

      Author: Butta, Mattia; Ripka, Pavel
      (IEEE, 2009-10)
      In this paper, we study the open-loop linearity of pulse excited coil-less fluxgate. Narrow current pulses can be used instead of classical sinewave for the excitation of the coil-less fluxgate. This method has shown several ...
    • Systém pro měření Curieho teploty magnetických materiálů 

      Author: Petr Kůrka; Supervisor: Petrucha Vojtěch; Opponent: Janásek Vojtěch
      (České vysoké učení technické v Praze. Vypočetní a informační centrum.Czech Technical University in Prague. Computing and Information Centre., 2020-06-10)
      Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem a konstrukcí systému pro měření Curieho teploty feromagnetických materiálů, využívaných v magnetických senzorech. Metodou pro určení Curieho teploty je sledování poklesu indukčnosti ...