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dc.contributor.authorMacháč, Jan
dc.contributor.authorHudlička, Martin
dc.contributor.authorZehentner, Ján
dc.contributor.authorSpiliotis, Nikolaos G.
dc.contributor.authorOmar, Abbas S.
dc.identifier.citationMacháč J., Hudlička M., Zehentner J., Spiliotis N. G., Omar A. S: Coplanar Waveguide Transmitting a Left-Handed Wave, Proceedings of the 35th European Microwave Conference, Paris, France, October 2005, pp. 139-140.cze
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents a new version of a coplanar waveguide that transmits a left-handed wave. The equivalent circuit of the line unit cell has been derived from the shape of the layout. The values of its elements were determined by fitting the dispersion characteristic of the equivalent circuit to the dispersion characteristic of the first left-handed mode of the line calculated by the CST Microwave Studio. This dispersion characteristic was checked by an experiment. The measured frequency dependences of S11 and S21 fit well the data predicted by simulation. The line is uniplanar and does not contain any lumped elements or vias.eng
dc.rights© 2005 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.eng
dc.titleCoplanar Waveguide Transmitting a Left-Handed Wavecze
dc.typepříspěvek z konference - elektronickýcze

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