Acta Polytechnica
Vydavatel: ČVUT
Redakce: Ústřední knihovna ČVUT
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ISSN 1805-2363 (online)
web časopisu: Acta Polytechnica
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A novel approach to nonlinear fractional volterra integral equations
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)Nonlinear Fractional Volterra integral equations (FVIEs) of the first kind present challenges due to their intricate nature, combining fractional calculus and integral equations. In this research paper, we introduce a novel ... -
Optimising load transfer using temporary supports in monolithic construction
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)When constructing a ceiling slab, it is essential that the load is effectively transferred to the lower floors. However, challenges arise when the lower ceiling slabs do not meet the specified design strengths, potentially ... -
The effect of a malfunctioning braking system on the behaviour of a special vehicle during an emergency braking in a curvilinear movement
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)Vehicle mobility is an increasingly important issue today, even in the military field. Mobility depends on the condition of the vehicle, the route and, of course, the experience of the driver. Vehicle failures and damage ... -
Modelling and analysis of three-dimensional chemically reacting, radiating Casson-nanofluid flow: thermophoresis and Brownian motion effects
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)In the presence of a porous material and a magnetic field, the authors of this work must evaluate the combined effects of chemical reaction and thermal radiation on a Casson-nanofluid flow in three dimensions towards a ... -
Acoustic Radiation Patterns of Different Polygon Piston Surfaces
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)Transducers are used in acoustic remote sensing and several other modern applications. The radiating surface geometry of a single acoustic transducer affects its beam pattern and has a cumulative effect on the overall ... -
The application of 3D printing technology in the design of sandwich panels
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)Composite materials including sandwich panels can offer a number of advantages such as excellent strength to mass ratio or stiffness to mass ratio. Sandwich panels can find their application in many industrial sectors where ... -
Study of non-stationary cutting processes in power skiving
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)The paper presents the results of the modelling and study of the cutting process in the cut-in phase during the machining of external gears by the power skiving. The studies were carried out on the basis of the previously ... -
Investigation of the impact of product thickness and strain on cold forging processes
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)This study investigates the impact of sheet metal thickness and strain generated on a cold forging process. A cold forging die was manufactured based on a numerically modelled product design that considered stress concentration ... -
Drece method for continuous severe plastic deformation of CuZn37 sheets
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)This paper presents a continuous severe plastic deformation (SPD) process for sheet metal called Dual Rolls Equal Channel Extrusion (DRECE) is introduced. The DRECE process achieves maximum sheet metal deformation by ... -
The effect of the inlet chamber and diffuser on the reverse aerodynamic performance of an axial flow fan
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)Flow reversal in axial fans is usually carried out by changing the direction of rotation of the fan and rotating the stator vanes. The total pressure losses of selected inlet fan chambers were determined using CFD data for ... -
Investigation of the effect of elbow pipes of Ti6Al4V, 304 stainless steel, AZ91 materials on erosion corrosion by finite element analysis
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)Corrosion is the degradation of metals caused by chemical or electrochemical reactions with their environment. As a result of these reactions, undesirable conditions occur in the physical, chemical, mechanical and electrical ... -
Optimised rotating energy-efficient clustering for wireless sensor devices by sewing training-based optimisation
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become well-known as innovative, active, and robust technology accepted in many real-world applications. Due to the power supply restrictions and the power limitations of sensors that ... -
Hydrothermal and mechanical performance of mortars containing waste brick powder
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)It is widely recognised that green building, environmental sustainability, and technical performance have recently become requirements in the field of civil engineering. For this reason, the new trend in research is to ... -
Effect of surface area on the wear properties of Al-based automotive alloy and the role of Si at eutectic level
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)The efficiency of an engine material is closely correlated with its surface area. In order to investigate wear properties, effect of surface contact area as well as silicon addition at the eutectic level of Al-Cu-Mg alloy ... -
Investigation the plastic flows in the metal stamping-drawing process at the die corner
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)The present investigation covers the study of the influence of metal-plastic flow on the die corner for the deformed state of the blank and energy-power parameters during stamping-drawing. The influence of workpiece size ... -
Non-homogeneity effect on the vibration of the rectangular visco-elastic plate subjected to the linear temperature effect with quadratic thickness variation in both directions
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)The present work investigates the effect of non-homogeneity on the vibration of a rectangular visco-elastic plate. The plate is subjected to linear temperature variation in the x-direction with quadratic thickness variation ... -
Experimental investigation of an entropy production in a linear blade cascade
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)The vortical structures in turbomachinery are crucial phenomena that significantly impact the machine’s efficiency. Therefore, investigating them is essential for a better understanding of the machine’s operation.The ... -
The load-transfer method as a tool for determining the load-displacement curve of piles
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)The paper presents two applications (software packages) in which the load-transfer method is used for axially loaded Kelly drilled bored piles and displacement ductile iron piles. In the first, the ultimate friction is ... -
so(3) ⊂ su(3) revisited
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)This paper reproduces the result of Elliot, namely that the irreducible finite dimensional representation of the Lie algebra su(3) of highest weight (m, n) is decomposed according to the embedding so(3) ⊂ su(3). First, a ... -
A new structural reconfiguration for multilevel inverters with fault tolerance capability
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2024)Keeping electrical systems running is critical in industries especially in those that rely on static converters, for example in the case of inverters, continuous and safe of operation must be ensured even if one of the ...