Browsing Acta Polytechnica. 2023, vol. 63, no.6 by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Influence of carbonation on torrent air permeability of concrete
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2023)Air permeability testing is increasingly being used to measure the impermeability of concrete and to estimate the durability of reinforced concrete structures using this property. This paper presents the results of a ... -
Assessment of structures repeatedly exposed to thermal loading and extinguishing water: a case study of a firefighting training facility
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2023)When designing a new structure or assessing an existing one, the risk of fire and its effect on the structure must be considered. Structures are usually assessed for fire resistance at the design stage – i.e. before the ... -
Semi-analytical approach-based studies of the squeeze film lubrication between rough porous annular discs: Rabinowitsch fluid model
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2023)In recent years, there has been much interest in the effects of porosity and surface roughness (SR) or geometric irregularities between two moving plates under hydrodynamic lubrication. Porous bearings are used extensively ... -
Monitoring the internal structure behaviour of alkali-activated slag paste: effect of the curing mode
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2023)This paper deals with the monitoring of the internal structure behaviour of an alkaliactivated slag (AAS) paste. The slag was activated with a 4M solution of sodium hydroxide. The behaviour of the internal structure of the ... -
Prediction of temperature field distribution in a gas turbine using a higher order neural network
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2023)This paper presents the prediction of temperature field distribution in a single annular section using an artificial neural network (ANN). This temperature distribution is non-uniform on the outer tube due to continuous ... -
Experimental investigation of flow characteristics and performance parameters of a podded aft engine air intake
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2023)This experimental study investigates the flow characteristics and performance parameters of a podded intake in aft-engine configuration at the aerodynamic interface plane (AIP), which is a typical configuration of a generic ... -
Enhancement of power transfer capacity of transmission network using multilevel multifunction inverter
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2023)This article presents a multilevel multifunction inverter (MLMFI) with a novel controller for the grid-connection of a solar array. The aim of this work is to improve the technology of the power transfer capacity of existing ... -
Application of an artificial intelligence segmentation for deep hyperthermia treatment planning in the pelvic region
(České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2023)During a microwave hyperthermia oncology treatment, the target region temperature is elevated to the temperatures of 40–44 °C, which improves the therapeutic effect of a standard radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy treatments. ...