Zobrazují se záznamy 81-100 z 58652

    • Colour-Based Object Recognition for Video Annotation 

      Autor: Koubaroulis, Dirnitrios; Matas, Jiří; Kittler, Josef
      (IEEE, 2002)
      We propose a colour-based object recognition method for video annotation. The semantic gap between image measurements and symbolic labelling is bridged by assuming the existence of objects whose appearance can be associated ...
    • Local Affine Frames for Wide-Baseline Stereo 

      Autor: Matas, Jiří; Obdržálek, Štěpán; Chum, Ondřej
      (IEEE, 2002)
      A novel procedure for establishing wide-baseline correspondence is introduced. Tentative correspondences are established by matching photometrically normalised colour measurements represented in a local affine frame. The ...
    • The fast multipole method for the direct E/MEG problem 

      Autor: Clerc, Maureen; Faugeras, Olivier; Keriven, Renaud; Kybic, Jan; Papadopoulo, Théo
      (IEEE, 2002)
      Reconstructing neuronal activity from MEG and EEG measurements requires the accurate calculation of the electromagnetic field inside the head. The boundary element formulation of this problem leads to a dense linear system ...
    • VDI/VDE 2634 Part 1 

      (Beuth Verlag, 2002)
    • Comments on Representation of Surface Leaky Waves on Uniplanar Transmission Lines 

      Autor: Macháč, Jan; Zehentner, Ján
      (IEEE, 2002-02)
      This paper compares partial waves approximating a surface leaky wave on a uniplanar transmission line with substrate surface waves supported by its substrate. It is shown that their field distributions and the propagation ...
    • Generalized Sampling: A Variational Approach. Part I: Theory 

      Autor: Kybic, Jan; Blu, Thierry; Unser, Michael
      (IEEE, 2002-08)
      We consider the problem of reconstructing a multidimensional vector function fin: Rm→Rn from a finite set of linear measures. These can be irregularly sampled responses of several linear filters. Traditional approaches ...
    • Generalized Sampling: A Variational Approach. Part II: Applications 

      Autor: Kybic, Jan; Blu, Thierry; Unser, Michael
      (IEEE, 2002-08)
      The variational reconstruction theory from a companion paper finds a solution consistent with some linear constraints and minimizing a quadratic plausibility criterion. It is suitable for treating vector and multidimensional ...
    • Model Selection for Automated Architectural Reconstruction from Multiple Views 

      Autor: Werner, Tomáš; Zisserman, Andrew
      (British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2002-09)
      We describe progress in automatically fitting a plane plus modelled perturbation surface model to represent architectural scenes. There are two areas of novelty. The first is a method of fitting parametrized models in which ...
    • Even and Odd Modes on a Conductor-Backed Slotline 

      Autor: Zehentner, Ján; Macháč, Jan; Mrkvica, Jan
      (IEEE, 2002-09)
    • On the Interaction between Object Recognition and Colour Constancy 

      Autor: Obdržálek, Štěpán; Matas, Jiří; Chum, Ondřej
      (IEEE, 2003)
      In this paper we investigate some aspects of the interaction between colour constancy and object recognition. We demonstrate that even under severe changes of illumination, many objects are reliably recognised if relying ...
    • Influence of chemical composition on dielectric properties of Al2O3 and ZrO2 plasma deposits 

      Autor: Ctibor, Pavel
      Aluminum oxide, zirconium oxide and their mixture were plasma sprayed by a water-stabilized plasma gun. Resulting deposits were studied as dielectrics. Capacity and loss factor were measured for the frequency range 200–106 ...
    • Dielectric relaxation in calcium titanate-containing ceramics prepared by plasma spraying 

      Autor: Ctibor, Pavel
      The relative permittivity and loss factor frequency dependence in a weak electric field of plasma sprayed perovskite and ilminite polycrystalline ceramic materials—pure synthetic calcium titanate, as well as magnesium ...
    • Transient Effects on High Voltage Diode Stack under Reverse Bias 

      Autor: Papež, V.; Kojecký, B.; Kožíšek, J.; Hejhal, J.
      This article deals with a description and analysis of the fast transient processes which can occur during a local non-destructive breakdown in a circuit arranged by serial connection of reverse biased high-voltage silicon ...
    • Multimethod machine learning approach for medical diagnosing 

      Autor: Lenič, M.; Povalej, P.; Zorman, M.; Podgorelec, V.; Kokol, P.; Lhotská, Lenka
      (IEEE, 2003-04)
      In this paper we present a multimethod approach for induction of a specific class of classifiers, which can assist physicians in medical diagnosing in the case of mitral valve prolapse. Mitral valve prolapse is one of the ...
    • Degradation of Adhesive Bonds with Short Current Pulses 

      Autor: Mach, Pavel; Ješ, Josef; Papež, Václav
      (IEEE, 2003-05)
      Degradation of adhesive bonds powered by rectangular very short current pulses of the width of 1 μs and frequency of 1 kHz of high amplitude has been examined. The amplitudes of the pulses have been 5 and 10 A. Power ...
    • Modes on the Standard and Inverted Conductor-Backed Slotline 

      Autor: Zehentner, Ján; Macháč, Jan; Mrkvica, Jan; Tuzi, Carlo
      (IEEE, 2003-06)
      This paper recalls modes which can propagate on the conductor-backed slotline. The characteristic of the dominant mode on the CBSL is documented. The ICBSL is a modification of the CBSL placed in a dielectric with permittivity ...
    • Joint Orientation of Epipoles 

      Autor: Chum, Ondřej; Werner, Tomáš; Pajdla, Tomáš
      (British Machine Vision Association, 2003-09)
      It is known that epipolar constraint can be augmented with orientation by formulating it in the oriented projective geometry. This oriented epipolar constraint requires knowing the orientations (signs of overall scales) ...
    • Number of arrhythmia beats determination in Holter electrocardiogram: How many clusters? 

      Autor: Novák, Daniel; Cuesta-Frau, D.; Mico Tormos, P.; Lhotská, Lenka
      (IEEE, 2003-09)
      Holter signals correspond to long-term electrocardiograph (ECG) registers. Manual inspection of such signals is difficult because of the enormous quantity of beats involved. Throughout the literature several methods of ...
    • The Inverted Conductor-Backed Slotline - a Challenge to Antenna and Circuit Design 

      Autor: Zehentner, Ján; Macháč, Jan; Mrkvica, Jan; Tuzi, Carlo
      (IEEE, 2003-10)
      The characteristics of modes on the conductor-backed slotline, the inverted conductor-backed slotline and on its modification in which the top dielectric layer with higher permittivity has a finite thickness, are presented ...
    • Fast Parametric Elastic Image Registration 

      Autor: Kybic, Jan; Unser, Michael
      (IEEE, 2003-11)
      We present an algorithm for fast elastic multidimensional intensity-based image registration with a parametric model of the deformation. It is fully automatic in its default mode of operation. In the case of hard real-world ...