• Atmospheric Argon Free burning Arcs with a Simplified Unified Model Using CFD-Arc Modeling 

      Autor: Lee , Won-Ho; Lee , Jong-Chul
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Free burning arcs, where the work piece acts as an anode, are frequently used for a number of applications. Our investigation is exclusively concerned with a simplified unified model of arcs and their electrodes under ...
    • Calculation of the Inductance of Plasma Column at PF-1000 Device with Assumed Current Distribution 

      Autor: Kortanek , Jiri; Kubes , Pavel
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Processed data is taken from the D-D fusion reaction experiments on PF-1000 at IFPILM Warsaw, operating with 2 MA, 1011 neutron yield, using interferometry, temporal resolved neutron diagnostics, magnetic probe diagnostics ...
    • Characterization of Human Gait using Fuzzy Logic 

      Autor: Kutilek , Patrik; Viteckova , Slavka; Svoboda , Zdenek
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      In medical practice, there is no appropriate widely-used application of a system based on fuzzy logic for identifying the lower limb movement type or type of walking. The object of our study was to determine characteristics ...
    • Clock Math — a System for Solving SLEs Exactly 

      Autor: Hladík , Jakub; Lórencz , Róbert; Šimeček , Ivan
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      In this paper, we present a GPU-accelerated hybrid system that solves ill-conditioned systems of linear equations exactly. Exactly means without rounding errors due to using integer arithmetics. First, we scale floating-point ...
    • Computer Simulation of a Plasma Vibrator Antenna 

      Autor: Bogachev , Nikolay N.; Bogdankevich , Irina L.; Gusein-zade , Namik G.; Tarakanov , Vladimir P.
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The use of new plasma technologies in antenna technology is widely discussed nowadays. The plasma antenna must receive and transmit signals in the frequency range of a transceiver. Many experiments have been carried out ...
    • Development of the PETAL Laser Facility and its Diagnostic Tools 

      Autor: Batani , Dimitri; Hulin , Sebastien; Ducret , Jean Eric; d’Humieres , Emmanuel; Tikhonchuk et al. , Vladimir
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The PETAL system (PETawatt Aquitaine Laser) is a high-energy short-pulse laser, currently in an advanced construction phase, to be combined with the French Mega-Joule Laser (LMJ). In a first operational phase (beginning ...
    • Diffuse Coplanar Surface Barrier Discharge in Nitrogen: Microdischarges Statistical Behavior 

      Autor: Cech , Jan; Hanusova , Jana; Stahel , Pavel; Slavicek , Pavel
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      We studied statistical behavior of microdischarges of diffuse coplanar surface barrier discharge (DCSBD) operated in nitrogen atmosphere at two input voltage regimes. We measured spectrally unresolved discharge patterns ...
    • Emittance Characterization of Ion Beams Provided by Laser Plasma 

      Autor: Velardi, Luciano; Side, Domenico Delle; Marco, Massimo De; Nassisi, Vincenzo
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Laser ion sources offer the possibility to obtain ion beams useful for particle accelerators. Nanosecond pulsed lasers at intensities of the order of 108 W/cm2, interacting with solid matter in a vacuum, produce plasma of ...
    • Estimation of Amount of Scattered Neutrons at Devices PFZ and GIT-12 by MCNP Simulations 

      Autor: Šíla , Ondrej; Kubeš , Pavel; Kravárik , Josef; Rezác , Karel; Klír , Daniel; Cikhardt , Jakub
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Our work is dedicated to pinch effect occurring during current discharge in deuterium plasma, and our results are connected with two devices – plasma focus PFZ, situated in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU, Prague, ...
    • Fractal Dimension Estimation in Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease 

      Autor: Hubata-Vacek , Václav; Kukal , Jaromír; Rusina , Robert; Buncová , Marie
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Estimated entropies from a limited data set are always biased. Consequently, it is not a trivial task to calculate the entropy in real tasks. In this paper, we used a generalized definition of entropy to evaluate the ...
    • Growth and Physical Structure of Amorphous Boron Carbide Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering on a Silicon Substrate with a Titanium Interlayer 

      Autor: Caniello , Roberto; Vassallo , Espedito; Cremona , Anna; Grosso , Giovanni; Dellasega , David; Canetti , Maurizio; Miorin , Enrico
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Multilayer amorphous boron carbide coatings were produced by radiofrequency magnetron sputtering on silicon substrates. To improve the adhesion, titanium interlayers with different thickness were interposed between the ...
    • High-Speed Monitoring of Dust Particles in ITER ELMs Simulation Experiments with QSPA Kh-50 

      Autor: Makhlaj , Vadym A.; Garkusha , Igor E.; Aksenov , Nikolay N.; Chuvilo , Alexander A.; Landman , Igor S.
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      Dust generation under powerful plasma stream impacts has been studied in ITER ELM simulation experiments with QSPA Kh-50 plasma accelerator. Repetitive plasma exposures of tungsten have been performed by 0.25 ms plasma ...
    • Ignition Features of Plasma-Beam Discharge in Gas-Discharge Electron Gun Operation 

      Autor: Tutyk , Valery A.; Ovcharuk , Anatoliy N.; Gasik , Michail I.; Maslenikov , Dmitriy V.
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The current paper presents the results of experimental researches to determine the mode features of plasma-beam discharge (PBD) generation by an electron beam injected by a low-vacuum gasdischarge electron gun (LGEG) with ...
    • In memory of Alois Apfelbeck: An Interconnection between Cayley-Eisenstein-Pólya and Landau Probability Distributions 

      Autor: Vojta , Vladimír
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The interconnection between the Cayley-Eisenstein-Pólya distribution and the Landau distribution is studied, and possibly new transform pairs for the Laplace and Mellin transform and integral expressions for the Lambert W ...
    • Inactivation of Candida albicans by Corona Discharge: The Increase of Inhibition Zones Area After Far Subsequent Exposition 

      Autor: Fantova , Vladyslava; Bujaček , Karol; Kříha , Vítězslav; Julák , Jaroslav
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The cold atmospheric pressure plasma generated by the negative corona discharge has inhibition effect on the microorganism growth. This effect is well-known and it can be demonstrated on the surface of cultivation agar ...
    • Instability Growth Rate Dependence on Input Parameters During the Beam–Target Plasma Interaction 

      Autor: Horký , Miroslav
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The two-stream instability without magnetic field is described by the well-known Buneman dispersion relation. For more complicated situations we need to use the Generalized Buneman Dispersion Relation derived by Kulhánek, ...
    • Local Magnetohydrodynamic Characteristics of the Plasma Stream generated by MPC 

      Autor: Cherednychenko , Tatyana N.; Garkusha , Igor E.; Chebotarev , Vladimir V.; Solyakov , Dmytro G.; Petrov , Yuriy V.; Ladygina , Maryna S.; Eliseev , Dmytro V.; Chuvilo , Alexander A.
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      This paper investigates the spatial distributions of electrical current which flows inside the plasma stream generated by a magnetoplasma compressor (MPC). Two different modes of MPC operation with different gas supply ...
    • Long-Lived Plasma Process, Created by Impulse Discharge in Micro-Disperse Droplet Environment 

      Autor: Olszewski , Serge; Lisitchenko , Tamara; Yukhymenko , Vitalij
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      The processes of organic compound (phenol and cation-active surfactants) destruction in water solutions, which stay under the influence of plasma treatment have been investigated in different dynamic plasma-liquid systems ...
    • Materials for Fusion Applications 

      Autor: Matějíček , Jiří
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      An overview of materials foreseen for use or already used in fusion devices is given. The operating conditions, material requirements and characteristics of candidate materials in several specific application segments are ...
    • Modification of Composite Material Fillers by Atmospheric Plasma Discharge 

      Autor: Tichy , David; Hajkova , Pavlina
      (České vysoké učení technické v PrazeCzech Technical University in Prague, 2013)
      This work is focused on the observation of the influence of cold atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) on a modification of textile samples. The main objective of the experiment is to research wettability change ...