Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • An assessment of thermo-mechanically induced fatigue damage of a steam turbine shaft 

      Author: Nesládek M.; Jurenka J.; Lutovinov M.; Růžička M.; Měšťánek P.; Džugan J.
      (Elsevier B.V., 2017)
      The increasing demands on the flexibility of steam turbines due to the use of renewable energy sources substantially alters the fatigue strength requirements of components of these facilities. The work summarized hereafter ...
    • Numerical simulations of fatigue crack growth in a steam turbine rotor blade groove 

      Author: Kuželka J.; Nesládek M.; Lutovinov M.; Jurenka J.; Růžička M.; Rund M.; Měšťánek P.
      (Elsevier B.V., 2019)
      With increasing share of renewable energy sources in the electricity production strict demands are placed on thermal power plants that have to cover the power shortages more frequently. Increasing number of steam turbine ...
    • Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue of a CrMo Steel Applicable to Steam Turbine Shafts 

      Author: Nesládek M.; Růžička M.; Lutovinov M.; Kuželka J.; Procházka R.; Rund M.; Měšťánek P.
      (Elsevier B.V., 2019)
      The paper is an overview of the work conducted in order to investigate thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) performance of a CrMo steel applicable to steam turbine shaft design. Uniaxial TMF tests of tubular specimens under ...
    • Thermo-mechanical fatigue prediction of a steam turbine shaft 

      Author: Nesládek M.; Bartošák M.; Jurenka J.; Papuga J.; Růžička M.; Měšťánek P.; Džugan J.
      (EDP Sciences, 2018)
      The increasing demands on the flexibility of steam turbines due to the use of renewable energy sources substantially alters the fatigue strength requirements of components of these devices. This paper presents Thermo-Mechanical ...