Improvement of the voltage quality in a timber processing enterprise
Improvement of the voltage quality in a timber processing enterprise
Typ dokumentu
diplomová prácemaster thesis
Anastasiia Lebed
Vedoucí práce
Bemš Július
Oponent práce
Pavlova Alena
Studijní obor
Management energetiky a elektrotechnikyStudijní program
Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering and ManagementInstituce přidělující hodnost
katedra ekonomiky, manažerství a humanitních vědPráva
A university thesis is a work protected by the Copyright Act. Extracts, copies and transcripts of the thesis are allowed for personal use only and at one?s own expense. The use of thesis should be in compliance with the Copyright Act and the citation ethicsškolská závěrečná práce je dílo chráněné autorským zákonem. Je možné pořizovat z něj na své náklady a pro svoji osobní potřebu výpisy, opisy a rozmnoženiny. Jeho využití musí být v souladu s autorským zákonem a citační etikou
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This paper describes a solution to the problem of the woodworking plant power supply. Due to the long distance from a big source of energy voltage level is sensitive to sharp changes of the power in the system. Deep voltage drops appear during the starting process of motors. In this work was considered information about the woodworking industry and main sawing equipment. Construction of the daily load diagram was provided base on the selected sawing equipment. For the sawmill was considered two variants of power supply: connection to the weak network and supply by a diesel generator. After the selection of main electrical equipment such as transformer and cable line, and diesel generator, different ways to maintain voltage level was researched and evaluated. Two options for each supply variant such as the setting of equipment with high power and the setting of lower power equipment with soft starters were considered. In the last part of the work, the economic efficiency of each project was evaluated and sensitivity analysis was provided. According to the results, projects show high sensitivity to the discount rate and electricity and fuel price changes. The most profitable option is the setting of lower power equipment with soft starters, this project is good in both technical and economic aspects. This paper describes a solution to the problem of the woodworking plant power supply. Due to the long distance from a big source of energy voltage level is sensitive to sharp changes of the power in the system. Deep voltage drops appear during the starting process of motors. In this work was considered information about the woodworking industry and main sawing equipment. Construction of the daily load diagram was provided base on the selected sawing equipment. For the sawmill was considered two variants of power supply: connection to the weak network and supply by a diesel generator. After the selection of main electrical equipment such as transformer and cable line, and diesel generator, different ways to maintain voltage level was researched and evaluated. Two options for each supply variant such as the setting of equipment with high power and the setting of lower power equipment with soft starters were considered. In the last part of the work, the economic efficiency of each project was evaluated and sensitivity analysis was provided. According to the results, projects show high sensitivity to the discount rate and electricity and fuel price changes. The most profitable option is the setting of lower power equipment with soft starters, this project is good in both technical and economic aspects.
- Diplomové práce - 13116 [558]