CTU Publishing Activity
Now showing items 1-20 of 1441
Gate-to-gate life cycle assessment of lithium-ion battery recycling pre-treatment
(Elsevier, 2025)Recycling spent lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) is critical for enhancing environmental sustainability and resource conservation; however, the environmental and energy impacts of LIB recycling are not yet comprehensively ... -
Investigation of the temperature and DOD effect on the performance-degradation behavior of lithium–sulfur pouch cells during calendar aging
(Elsevier, 2023)High-energy density sulfur cathodes are one of the most promising possibilities to replace currently used intercalation cathodes in lithium-ion batteries in future applications. However, lithium–sulfur batteries are still ... -
Analysis of 3.4 Ah lithium-sulfur pouch cells by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2022)Despite great progress in lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries, the electrochemical reactions in the cell are not yet fully understood. Electrode processes, complex interfaces and internal resistance may be characterized by ... -
Battery Current and Temperature Mission Profiles for CubeSats at Low Earth Orbit
(IEEE, 2022)CubeSats, a branch of the space industry, has lately received great interest for being an affordable satellite platform. For proper functioning, they are nowadays practically dependent on Lithium-ion batteries as a power ... -
Co-Channel Interference Management for Heterogeneous Networks Using Deep Learning Approach
(MDPI AG, 2023)The co-channel interference for mobile users (MUs) of a public safety network (PSN) in the co-existence of heterogeneous networks such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and LTE-based railway networks (LRNs) needs a thorough ... -
Extending battery life in CubeSats by charging current control utilizing a long short-term memory network for solar power predictions
(Elsevier Science, 2024)Recently, there has been a surge in small satellites and CubeSats. A crucial factor limiting the duration of their missions is the lifespan of their batteries. Typically, batteries are charged immediately when there is ... -
Effects of open-circuit voltage tests and models on state-of-charge estimation for batteries in highly variable temperature environments: Study case nano-satellites
(Elsevier Science, 2021)Nano-satellites are a rapidly developing field of the space industry. Their structure and environmental conditions impose requirements for their functioning and reliability. One of key systems to keep nano-satellites in ... -
Substrate preference, RNA binding and active site versatility of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia nuclease SmNuc1, explained by a structural study
(John Wiley & Sons, 2025)Nucleases of the S1/P1 family have important applications in biotechnology and molecular biology. We have performed structural analyses of SmNuc1 nuclease from Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, including RNA cleavage product ... -
Vesnická architektura na Kraslicku a její proměny v současnosti s důrazem na rizika proměny obvodových plášťů
(Faculty of Architecture, 2024)Na Kraslicku se dochovala specifická regionální vesnická architektura. Jedná se o typologii charakteristickou pro svou polohu v chladné klimatické oblasti Kruš- ných hor a specifický vývoj tohoto regionu na přelomu 19. a ... -
Application of quasicrystals to data processing
(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2024)We propose a data processing method based on properties of quasicrystals and apply it to bitmap images. The method uses the mapping between the physical and internal spaces of a quasi-crystal to uniformly distribute the ... -
Coordinated routing optimization and charging scheduling in a multiple-charging station system: A strategic bilevel multi-objective programming
(Elsevier Ltd, 2025)Effectively managing EV charging queues not only alleviates traffic congestion in high-demand areas but also improves user satisfaction by minimizing waiting times. This framework enhances overall system efficiency by ... -
Comparison of Different Sensor Locations on Freezing-of-Gait Ratio Results
(Elsevier, 2025)Background Freezing of gait (FoG) is a walking disturbance in the Parkinson's disease (PD). The freezing ratio (FoG-ratio) is a parameter used to quantify overall freezing severity rather than to assess single freezing ... -
Automated analysis of spoken language differentiates multiple system atrophy from Parkinson’s disease
(Springer, 2025)Background and objectives Patients with synucleinopathies such as multiple system atrophy (MSA) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) frequently display speech and language abnormalities. We explore the diagnostic potential of ... -
Prediktivní regulace sítě centralizovaného zásobování teplem na základě spotové ceny elektřiny
(Společnost pro techniku prostředí, 2024)Článek se zaměřuje na vyhodnocení přínosů prediktivního řízení u systémů centralizovaného zásobování teplem. Metodu lze s výhodou využít v případech, kdy systém měření a regulace umožňuje v reálném čase do jednoho systému ... -
Advanced micro- & nanostructuring for enhanced biocompatibility of stainless steel by multi-beam and beamshaping technology
(IOP Publishing, 2023)Biocompatibility is one of the key issues for implants, especially in the case of stainless steel with medium to low biocompatibility, which may lead to a lack of osseointegration and consequently to implant failure or ... -
Delayed dynamic-feedback controller design for multi-frequency vibration suppression
(International Federation of Automatic Control, 2024)We present a methodology for designing a dynamic controller with delayed output feedback for achieving non-collocated vibration suppression with a focus on the multi-frequency case. To synthesize the delay-based controller, ... -
Activated carbon treated with different chemical agents for pertechnetate adsorption
(Springer Netherlands, 2024)The study investigated the adsorption behaviour of different activated carbon samples for pertechnetate under diverse conditions. Characterizations of A-CF-F and A-CF-Z samples were done using BET, FTIR, XRD, XRF and SEM-EDX ... -
Aplikace Ai v designu
(CESKE VYSOKE UCENI TECHNICKE V PRAZE, 2024)Výuková materiál pro navrhování pomocí algoritmů AI. Návod pro studenty tvůrčích programů, jak efektivně využívat nástroje AI, na základě vhodného výběru algoritmů, způsobu zadávání a správnou volbou promptů. Návod, jak ... -
Electric vehicles as facilitators of grid stability and flexibility: A multidisciplinary overview
(John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2024)Electric vehicles (EVs), as facilitators of grid stability and flexibility, provide a critical solution to the energy infrastructure's evolving demands, underscored by the growing integration of renewable energy sources ... -
An optimization-based algorithm for simultaneous shaping of poles and zeros for non-collocated vibration suppression
(Elsevier BV, 2022)This article presents a control design method for simultaneous shaping of the poles and zeros of linear time-invariant systems, motivated by the application of non-collocated vibration suppression to flexible multi-body ...