• Experimental investigation of CMT discontinuous wire arc additive manufacturing of Inconel 625 

      Autor: Votruba V.; Diviš I.; Pilsová L.; Zeman P.; Beránek L.; Horváth J.; Smolík J.
      (Springer, 2022)
      Additive manufacturing (AM) is a progressive technology which holds promise for manufacturing of heat resistant super alloys. One of the most productive methods is wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM). In this article, ...
    • Již druhý hybridní stroj Weldprint 

      Autor: Heinrich P.; Diviš I.
      (MM Publishing, 2019)
      Kovosvit MAS ve spolupráci s ČVUT vyvinul již druhý, tzv. hybridní stroj pod obchodním názvem WeldPrint. Jde o technologii 3D tisku z kovu, která byla plně vyvinuta v České republice a patří do kategorie Hybrid Manufacturing ...
    • Optical equipment for measuring deformation of machine tool components 

      Autor: Koubek J.; Chládek Š.; Švéda J.; Diviš I.
      (MM Publishing, 2016)
      This paper describes the possibilities of measuring deformation of machine tool components based on monitoring change in the optical beam path. Deformation is evaluated relatively between an optical beam source and a sensing ...