Now showing items 21-40 of 11272

    • Hypothesis selection for scene interpretation using grammatical models of scene evolution 

      Author: Young, R.; Kittler, J.; Matas, J.
      (IEEE, 1998-08)
      A major bottleneck in dynamic scene interpretation is the search that is required through a database to find a model that best matches the observed data. We show that the problem can be alleviated if the object model ...
    • Object-Detection With a Varying Number of Eigenspace Projections 

      Author: Reiter, Michael; Matas, Jiří
      (IEEE, 1998-08)
      We present a method allowing a significant speed-up of the eigen-detection method (detection based on principle component analysis). We derive a formula for an upper bound on the class-conditional probability (or equivalently ...
    • Recognition Using Labelled Objects 

      Author: Soh, L. M.; Matas, J.; Kittler, J.
      (IEEE, 1998-08)
      General object recognition is a difficult problem. We (1997) proposed a solution for object recognition in an unconstrained environment. We simplified the recognition problem by attaching a special planar pattern on objects ...
    • Surface leaky waves and their measurement 

      Author: Zehentner, Ján; Macháč, Jan; Mrkvica, Jan; Sarnowski, Marcin K.; Polívka, Jiří
      (IEEE, 1998-10)
      A new approach to experimental identification of surface leaky waves on printed-circuit lines is presented in this paper. Active radiometry is used for field probing even in the near field zone. The measurement is adjusted ...
    • A novel vector network analyzer 

      Author: Hoffmann, Karel; Skvor, Zbyněk
      (IEEE, 1998-12)
      A calibration procedure for a perturbation two-port vector network analyzer is presented. It consists of a variable perturbation two-port placed between a device-under-test and a scalar network analyzer. A measured vector ...
    • The Distributed Oscillator at 4 GHz 

      Author: Divina, Lukáš; Škvor, Zbyněk
      (IEEE, 1998-12)
      This paper describes the design and experimental verification of a tunable oscillator based on a microwave distributed amplifier. The oscillator met design expectations, being capable of continuous tuning over the range ...
    • Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform for line detection 

      Author: Galambos, C.; Matas, J.; Kittler, J.
      (IEEE, 1999)
      We present a novel Hough Transform algorithm referred to as Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform (PPHT). Unlike the Probabilistic HT where Standard HT is performed on a pre-selected fraction of input points, PPHT ...
    • Audio-Visual Person Verification 

      Author: Ben-Yacoub, S.; Luttin, J.; Jonsson, K.; Matas, J.; Kittler, J.
      (IEEE, 1999)
      In this paper we investigate benefits of classifier combination (fusion) for a multimodal system for personal identity verification. The system uses frontal face images and speech. We show that a sophisticated fusion ...
    • Spurious leaky mode solutions and experimental verification of the second leaky wave 

      Author: Zehentner, J.; Macháč, J.; Mrkvica, J.; Vacek, P.; Polívka, J.
      (IEEE, 1999)
      This paper presents the revelation of spurious leaky mode solutions of the dispersion equation, and experimental confirmation of the occurrence of the second leaky wave on the slotline. The appearance of the spurious ...
    • Triangular Norms with Continous Daigonals 

      Author: Tkadlec, Josef
      It is an old open question whether a t-norm with a continuous diagonal must be continuous [7]. We give a partial positive answer for t-norms with noncontinuous additive generators (constructed by the technique of [1, ...
    • Multi Modal Verification for Teleservices and Security Applications (M2VTS) 

      Author: Richard, G.; Menguy, Y.; Guis, I.; Suaudeau, N.; Boudy, J.; Lockwood, P.; Fernandez, C.; Fernández, F.; Kotropoulos, C.; Tefas, A.; Pitas; Heimgartner, R.; Ryser, P.; Beumier, C.; Verlinde, P.; Pigeon, S.; Matas, J.; Kittler, J.; Bigün, J.; Abdeljaoued, Y.; Meurville, E.; Besacier, L.; Ansorge, M.; Maitre, G.; Luettin, J.; Ben-Yacoub, S.; Ruiz, B.; Aldama, K.; Cortes, J.
      (IEEE, 1999-07)
      The paper presents the European ACTS project “M2VTS” which stands for Multi Modal Verification for Teleservices and Security Applications. The primary goal of this project is to address the issue of secured access to local ...
    • Space leakage of power from uniplanar transmission lines 

      Author: Macháč, Jan; Zehentner, Ján
      (IEEE, 2000)
      Surface and space leakage of power deteriorates the operation of circuits. On the other hand space leaky waves enable the design of specific radiators. We therefore investigate the potential of the slotline and the coplanar ...
    • Properties of CPW in the sub-mm wave range and its potential to radiate 

      Author: Zehentner, J.; Macháč, J.
      (IEEE, 2000)
    • Comparison of face verification results on the XM2VTS database 

      Author: Matas, J.; Hamouz, M.; Jonsson, K.; Kittler, J.; Li, Y.; Kotropoulos, C.; Tefas, A.; Pitas, I.; Teewoon Tan; Hong Yan; Smeraldi, F.; Bigun, J.; Capdevielle, N.; Gerstner, W.; Ben-Yacoub, S.; Abdeljaoued, Y.; Mayoraz, E.
      (IEEE, 2000)
      The pater presents results of the face verification contest that was organized in conjunction with International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2000. Participants had to use identical data sets from a large, publicly ...
    • Wearable face recognition aid 

      Author: Iordanoglou, C.; Jonsson, K.; Kittler, J.; Matas, J.
      (IEEE, 2000)
      The feasibility of realising a low cost wearable face recognition aid based on a robust correlation algorithm is investigated. The aim of the study is to determine the limiting spatial and grey level resolution of the probe ...
    • Using gradient information to enhance the Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform 

      Author: Galambos, C.; Kittler, J.; Matas, J.
      (IEEE, 2000)
      In this paper we look at the benefits to be gained in using gradient information to enhance the progressive probabilistic Hough transform (PPHT). It is shown how using the angle information in controlling the voting process ...
    • Learning Support Vectors for Face Verification and Recognition 

      Author: Jonsson, K.; Matas, J.; Kittler, J.; Li, Y. P.
      (IEEE, 2000)
      The paper studies support vector machines (SVM) in the context of face verification and recognition. Our study supports the hypothesis that the SVM approach is able to extract the relevant discriminatory information from ...
    • The Multimodal Signature Method: An Efficiency and Sensitivity Study 

      Author: Koubaroulis, D.; Matas, J.; Kittler, J.
      (IEEE, 2000)
      The multimodal neighbourhood signature (MNS) method has given acceptable results both for the colour-based image retrieval and the object recognition task. Local colour content is concisely represented by invariant features ...
    • Diagnostics and Aging of Electrically Conductive Adhesives 

      Author: Mach, P.; Škvor, M.; Száraz, P.
      (IEEE, 2000)
      Resistance and nonlinearity of the current vs. voltage characteristics (NAVC) of adhesive joints was investigated. The joints were prepared of four types of electrically conductive adhesives (ECA) on Cu clad FR4 laminate ...
    • Unwarping of Unidirectionally Distorted EPI Images 

      Author: Kybic, Jan; Thévenaz, Philippe; Nirkko, Arto; Unser, Michael
      (IEEE, 2000-02)
      Echo-planar imaging (EPI) is a fast nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method. Unfortunately, local magnetic field inhomogeneities induced mainly by the subject's presence cause significant geometrical distortion, ...