Ekonomická efektivnost ukládání energie do vodíku pomocí katalyzátoru z karbidu wolframu
Economical efficiency of energy storage into hydrogen using a tungsten carbide catalyst
Typ dokumentu
diplomová prácemaster thesis
Ivan Grinikov
Vedoucí práce
Vítek Miroslav
Oponent práce
Adamec Marek
Studijní obor
Management energetiky a elektrotechnikyStudijní program
Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering and ManagementInstituce přidělující hodnost
katedra ekonomiky, manažerství a humanitních vědPráva
A university thesis is a work protected by the Copyright Act. Extracts, copies and transcripts of the thesis are allowed for personal use only and at one?s own expense. The use of thesis should be in compliance with the Copyright Act http://www.mkcr.cz/assets/autorske-pravo/01-3982006.pdf and the citation ethics http://knihovny.cvut.cz/vychova/vskp.htmlVysokoškolská závěrečná práce je dílo chráněné autorským zákonem. Je možné pořizovat z něj na své náklady a pro svoji osobní potřebu výpisy, opisy a rozmnoženiny. Jeho využití musí být v souladu s autorským zákonem http://www.mkcr.cz/assets/autorske-pravo/01-3982006.pdf a citační etikou http://knihovny.cvut.cz/vychova/vskp.html
Zobrazit celý záznamAbstrakt
In this thesis, cubic tungsten carbide was studied: methods of its synthesis (possible and used), its application in energy storage through electrolysis, other possible ways of energy storage, as well as the economic efficiency of these technologies. Unfortunately, cubic tungsten carbide at this stage of development proved to be economically inefficient: the gain in capital investments does not offset the increase in operating costs. The material needs further study and development. Sensitivity analysis of electrolysis and methane reforming steam was also performed. For electrolysis, efficiency remains a key parameter. In the past (2018), a significant increase in the cost of gas was required in order for the production of green hydrogen to be cost-effective. At the moment (2022) economically viable production of hydrogen through electrolysis looks possible In this thesis, cubic tungsten carbide was studied: methods of its synthesis (possible and used), its application in energy storage through electrolysis, other possible ways of energy storage, as well as the economic efficiency of these technologies. Unfortunately, cubic tungsten carbide at this stage of development proved to be economically inefficient: the gain in capital investments does not offset the increase in operating costs. The material needs further study and development. Sensitivity analysis of electrolysis and methane reforming steam was also performed. For electrolysis, efficiency remains a key parameter. In the past (2018), a significant increase in the cost of gas was required in order for the production of green hydrogen to be cost-effective. At the moment (2022) economically viable production of hydrogen through electrolysis looks possible
- Diplomové práce - 13116 [561]