Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Electroplated FeNi ring cores for fluxgates with field induced radial anisotropy 

      Author: Butta M.; Ripka P.; Janošek M.; Přibil M.
      (American Institute of Physics, 2015)
      Being able to control the anisotropy of a magnetic core plays an important role in the development of a fluxgate sensor. Our aim is to induce anisotropy orthogonal to the direction of excitation because it generates a ...
    • Flugate Sensor With Pulse Feedback 

      Author: Ripka P.; Přibil M.; Schaeffer V; Snoeij M
      (IEEE, 2016)
      Fluxgate sensors have typically only 100 μT range, which sometimes limits their applications. The main obstacle for increasing the measurement range is the power dissipated in their feedback coil. Until now, the feedback ...
    • A Fluxgate Current Sensor With an Amphitheater Busbar 

      Author: Ripka P.; Přibil M.; Petrucha V.; Grim V.; Draxler K.
      (IEEE, 2016)
      Large dc and ac electric currents are often measured by open-loop sensors without a magnetic yoke. A widely used configuration uses a differential magnetic sensor inserted into a hole in a flat busbar. The use of a ...
    • Fluxgate Offset Study 

      Author: Ripka P.; Přibil M.; Butta M.
      (IEEE, 2014)
      Offset and its long-term stability is a weak point of fluxgate sensors. Even the ultrastable sensors kept at no vibrations and stable temperature at magnetic observatories show offset drift. Such drift of the fluxgate ...
    • Magnetostriction Offset of Fluxgate Sensors 

      Author: Ripka P.; Butta M.; Přibil M.
      (IEEE, 2015)
      Magnetostriction Offset of Fluxgate Sensors: we examined the origoins of offset both theoretically an experimentally
    • Noise dependence on temperature in fluxgates with electroplated core 

      Author: Butta M.; Přibil M.; Ripka P.
      (Elsevier Science, 2016)
      Samples of electrodeposited fluxgate sensors with varying magnetostriction coefficient were manufactured and their noise was studied at various temperatures. We show that the noise of the fluxgate is, under some conditions, ...