There are two ways of runing this project. This project contains two parts. Unity part and PCL part. Unity part can be obtained either as a build aplication in folder builds/unity, or as a whole project in folder unity. The PCL part can be obtaind as a build version in folder builds/PCL or you can build it yourself. Instruction for building PCL part: Required - CMake 2.8.3 or newer - Visual Studio 2019 - Point Cloud Library 1.10.0, ideally installed via official instaler CL-1.10.0-AllInOne-msvc2019-win64.exe from - Azure Kinect SDK, at least version 1.4.0 Build itself: Generate Visual Studio 2019 project using CMake. As a source folder choose ObjectTracking and as build folder use ObjectTracking/build. After generating the project you may open the Visual Studio. Next you may need to adjust a few settings. Go to project Property Pages and set configuration as All configurations. C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories and add there C:\Program Files\Azure Kinect SDK v1.4.0\sdk\include (standard instalation folder) C/C++ > Command Line to the field at the bottom paste \bigobj Linker > Input > Additional dependencies and add there C:\Program Files\Azure Kinect SDK v1.4.0\sdk\windows-desktop\amd64\release\lib\k4a.lib C:\Program Files\Azure Kinect SDK v1.4.0\sdk\windows-desktop\amd64\release\lib\k4arecord.lib also you may need to add C:\Program Files\PCL 1.10.0\3rdParty\Boost\lib\libboost_thread-vc142-mt-x64-1_72.lib After finishing theese stepst you may proceed to the User manual.