orthoalgebra.cpp compilation: g++ orthoalgebra.cpp -o ort.o use: ./ort.o input: None stdout: None stderr (2): number of vertices *empty line* number of edges of the first hypergraph matrix of a the hypergraph *empty line* number of edges of the second hypergraph matrix of a the hypergraph ... Parameter: V, number of vertices of hypergraph, set on the 3rd line of the source code. By default V = 10 gen.cpp compilation: g++ gen.cpp -o gen.o use: ./gen.o input: None stdout: None stderr: matrix of a hypergraph *empty lines* (optional) matrix of a hypergraph *empty lines* (optional) By default it generates hypergraphs for OMPs with 25 vertices. function main() is commented, so it is easy to change parameters by yourself.