QUALITATIVE COMPARISON OF METHODS FOR EXAMPLE-BASED STYLE TRANSFER Master's Thesis, 2018 Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Author: Bc. Michal Kuèera Supervisor: doc. Ing. Daniel Sıkora, Ph.D. CONTENTS OF THIS CD: attchments/ ... folder with miscellaneous files pertaining to the performed experiments /generated_images/... All the images generated and used for the experiments. Sorted into folder by the source method/paper. /computed_data.xlsx Excel file with all the collected data and all the statistical computations /computed_data.xls 97-2003 version of the above file for compatibility reasons /perceptual_experiment_questions.pdf The questions used for the first perceptual experiment src/.. Source codes /survey_system/... Source code and all the files of the survey system /thesis/... LaTeX source code of this thesis text/... Folder with the thesis /thesis.pdf This thesis in .pdf format