This CD is part of Bachelor thesis Efficiency Improvement of Domain-Independent Planning by Integration of Solvers for Euclidean Sub-Problems by Petr Bergmann, CTU FEL. On the CD there are two zip files: - Java implementation of GraphHopper library that is capable of communicating with SymBA* - Java program that converts OSM files to PDDL problem file or to translator SAS file or to preprocessor Their corresponding README files are in those .zip files. Additionally there is a file This file contains enhanced version of SymBA* translator that is capable of communnicating with GraphHopper and Concorde solvers. In this file for succesfull usage you have to change the file locations of those solvers. Specifically it is on line 298 and 333. Otherwise, the usage is the same as before. Again it is needed to be stressed out that the filepaths that you will specify in input PDDL files cannot contain uppercase due to SymBA* input processing.