/** * \brief * Implementation of commutators and transformations. */ #include "commutators.h" #include "pxmc_sin_fixed.h" /*sinus function*/ /* * \brief * No commutation. */ void zero_commutator(struct rpi_state* this){ return; } /* * \brief * Computes minimum value of three numbers. * Input values must be in range <-2^28;2^28>. */ static int32_t min(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z){ int32_t diff,sign; diff=x-y; /*rozdil*/ sign=(*((uint32_t*)&diff))>>31; /*znamenko -> detekuje, ze y je vetsi*/ x=y+sign*diff; /*ulozime mensi cislo, pokud sign>0, pak diff<0 */ diff=x-z; /*rozdil*/ sign=(*((uint32_t*)&diff))>>31; /*znamenko -> detekuje, ze z je vetsi*/ x=z+sign*diff; /*ulozime mensi cislo, pokud sign>0, pak diff<0 */ return x; } /* * \brief * Transformace pro uhel pocitany po smeru hodinovych rucicek */ static void dq2alphabeta(int32_t *alpha, int32_t *beta, int d, int q, int32_t sin, int32_t cos){ *alpha=cos*d+sin*q; *beta=-sin*d+cos*q; return; } /** * \brief * Zpetna Clarkova transformace */ static void alphabeta2pwm3(int32_t * ia, int32_t * ib, int32_t *ic,int32_t alpha, int32_t beta){ *ia=alpha; *ib=-alpha/2+beta*887/1024; *ic=-alpha/2-beta*887/1024; } /* * \brief * Preocita napeti na jednotlivych civkach na napeti, * ktera budou privedena na svorky motoru. * Tedy na A(yel)-pwm1, B(red)-pwm2, C(blk)-pwm3 */ static void transDelta(int32_t * u1, int32_t * u2, int32_t *u3, int32_t ub , int32_t uc){ int32_t t; /*vypocte napeti tak, aby odpovidaly rozdily*/ *u1=uc; *u2=uc+ub; *u3=0; /*najde zaporne napeti*/ t=min(*u1,*u2,*u3); /*dorovna zaporna napeti na nulu*/ *u1-=t; *u2-=t; *u3-=t; } /** * \brief * Simple vector-control commutator without delta-transformation. * Nearly same as sin_commuatator. */ void inv_trans_comm(struct rpi_state* this){ uint32_t pos; int32_t sin, cos; int32_t alpha, beta; int32_t pwma,pwmb,pwmc; pos=this->index_dist; /*melo by byt urceno co nejpresneji, aby faze 'a' splyvala s osou 'alpha'*/ pos+=717; /*use it as cyclic 32-bit logic*/ pos*=4294967; pxmc_sincos_fixed_inline(&sin, &cos, pos, 16); dq2alphabeta(&alpha, &beta,0,this->duty, sin, cos); alpha>>=16; beta>>=16; alphabeta2pwm3(&pwma,&pwmb, &pwmc,alpha,beta); if (pwma<0) pwma=0; if (pwmb<0) pwmb=0; if (pwmc<0) pwmc=0; /*debugovaci vystupy - pouze vypisy hodnot*/ this->t_pwm1=(uint16_t)pwma; this->t_pwm3=(uint16_t)pwmb; this->t_pwm2=(uint16_t)pwmc; } /* * \brief * Robust vector-control commuator with Delta-transformation. */ void inv_trans_comm_2(struct rpi_state* this){ uint32_t pos; int32_t sin, cos; int32_t alpha, beta; int32_t ua,ub,uc; int32_t ia,ib,ic; int32_t u1,u2,u3; pos=this->index_dist; pos+=this->alpha_offset; /*zarovnani faze 'a' s osou 'alpha'*/ /*pro výpočet sin a cos je pouzita 32-bit cyklicka logika*/ pos*=4294967; pxmc_sincos_fixed_inline(&sin, &cos, pos, 16); dq2alphabeta(&alpha, &beta,0,this->duty, sin, cos); alpha>>=16; beta>>=16; alphabeta2pwm3(&ia,&ib, &ic,alpha,beta); ua=ia; ub=ib; uc=ic; transDelta(&u1,&u2, &u3,ub,uc); this->pwm1=(uint16_t)u1; this->pwm2=(uint16_t)u2; this->pwm3=(uint16_t)u3; } /** * \brief * Simple voltage commutation, takes use of sin finction. */ void sin_commutator(struct rpi_state* this){ #define DEGREE_60 715827883 #define DEGREE_120 1431655765 #define DEGREE_180 2147483648 #define DEGREE_240 2863311531 #define DEGREE_300 3579139413 uint32_t j,pos; int32_t sin; int32_t pwm; int duty=this->duty; pos=this->index_dist; /*aby prictene uhly mohla byt kulata cisla, musime index posunout*/ pos+=38; /*use it as cyclic 32-bit logic*/ pos*=4294967; if (this->duty>=0){ /*clockwise rotation*/ /* 1st phase */ sin = pxmc_sin_fixed_inline(pos+DEGREE_240,10); /*10+1 bity*/ /*-120*/ pwm=sin*duty/1024; if (pwm<0) pwm=0; this->pwm1=(uint16_t)pwm; /* 2nd phase */ sin = pxmc_sin_fixed_inline(pos+DEGREE_120,10); /*10+1 bity*/ /*-240*/ pwm=sin*duty/1024; if (pwm<0) pwm=0; this->pwm2=(uint16_t)pwm; /* 3rd phase */ sin = pxmc_sin_fixed_inline(pos,10); /*10+1 bity*/ pwm=sin*duty/1024; if (pwm<0) pwm=0; this->pwm3=(uint16_t)pwm; }else{ duty=-duty; /* 1st phase */ sin = pxmc_sin_fixed_inline(pos+DEGREE_60,10); /*10+1 bity*/ /*-300*/ pwm=sin*duty/1024; if (pwm<0) pwm=0; this->pwm1=(uint16_t)pwm; /* 2nd phase */ sin = pxmc_sin_fixed_inline(pos+DEGREE_300,10); /*10+1 bity*/ /*-60-*/ pwm=sin*duty/1024; if (pwm<0) pwm=0; this->pwm2=(uint16_t)pwm; /* 3rd phase */ sin = pxmc_sin_fixed_inline(pos+DEGREE_180,10); /*10+1 bity*/ /*-180*/ pwm=sin*duty/1024; if (pwm<0) pwm=0; this->pwm3=(uint16_t)pwm; } } /* * \brief * Test function to be placed in controll loop. * Switches PWM's at point where they produce same force. * This points are found thanks to IRC position, */ void simple_ind_dist_commutator(struct rpi_state* this){ int duty=this->duty; uint16_t index_dist=this->index_dist; if (duty>=0){ /* clockwise - so that position increase */ /* pwm3 */ if ((index_dist>=45 && index_dist<=373) || (index_dist>=1048 && index_dist<=1377)){ this->pwm1=0; this->pwm2=0; this->pwm3=duty; /* pwm1 */ }else if ((index_dist>=373 && index_dist<=711) || (index_dist>=1377 && index_dist<=1711)){ this->pwm1=duty; this->pwm2=0; this->pwm3=0; /* pwm2 */ }else if ((index_dist>=0 && index_dist<=45) || (index_dist>=711 && index_dist<=1048) || (index_dist>=1711 && index_dist<=1999)){ this->pwm1=0; this->pwm2=duty; this->pwm3=0; } }else{ /*counter-clockwise - position decrease */ /* pwm3 */ if ((index_dist>=544 && index_dist<=881) || (index_dist>=1544 && index_dist<=1878)){ this->pwm1=0; this->pwm2=0; this->pwm3=-duty; /* pwm1 */ }else if ((index_dist>=0 && index_dist<=211) || (index_dist>=881 && index_dist<=1210) || (index_dist>=1878 && index_dist<=1999)){ this->pwm1=-duty; this->pwm2=0; this->pwm3=0; /* pwm2 */ }else if ((index_dist>=211 && index_dist<=544) || (index_dist>=1210 && index_dist<=1544)){ this->pwm1=0; this->pwm2=-duty; this->pwm3=0; } } } /* * \brief * Test function to be placed in controll loop. * Switches PWM's at point where they produce same force */ void simple_hall_commutator(struct rpi_state* this){ int duty=this->duty; int8_t hal1=this->spi_dat->hal1; int8_t hal2=this->spi_dat->hal2; int8_t hal3=this->spi_dat->hal3; if (duty>=0){ /* clockwise - so that position increase */ /* pwm3 */ if (hal2 && !hal3){ this->pwm1=0; this->pwm2=0; this->pwm3=duty; /* pwm1 */ }else if (hal1 && !hal2){ this->pwm1=duty; this->pwm2=0; this->pwm3=0; /* pwm2 */ }else if (!hal1 && hal3){ this->pwm1=0; this->pwm2=duty; this->pwm3=0; } }else{ /*counter-clockwise - position decrease */ /* pwm3 */ if (!hal2 && hal3){ this->pwm1=0; this->pwm2=0; this->pwm3=-duty; /* pwm1 */ }else if (!hal1 && hal2){ this->pwm1=-duty; this->pwm2=0; this->pwm3=0; /* pwm2 */ }else if (hal1 && !hal3){ this->pwm1=0; this->pwm2=-duty; this->pwm3=0; } } }