In this electronic repository, I included some of the recorded experimental videos (enhanced by the visualization of potentials or phase-shifts) as well as the implementation of the controllers and simulations that the thesis deals with. The videos are coded mainly in XVID and there should be no problems playing them. Few issues have to be however overcome when making the scripts and models work. Because of the limited space, it was not possible to include all the data files (size of tens of GB) necessary for running the simulations and controllers. These data consist of the simulated potentials and their derivatives used for the construction of the "P" matrices (as it is described in the thesis). I, however, included the Comsol models and scripts which can generate these data from them. These are "generate_processed_data_for_optimization.m" for the case of the parallel array and "generate_processed_data_fragments.m" for the case of the four-sector array. A Comsol license and a Matlab with a LiveLink interface is necessary however. The solutions and meshes were removed from the Comsol models (again because of their excessive size), and it may be necessary to generate them by running the simulations manually from Comsol for the first time (open the .mph file in Comsol and press F8), because the export function of the model is connected to them (find the "Export" node and select computed solution in the "Data set" list). Furthermore, it will be probable necessary to recompile all the included Matlab mex functions (using Matlab Coder projectes or "generate_mex.m" prepared scripts), since their are not guaranteed to be portable between the different systems. The compilation should be done in Matlab of version 2014b or later with the compiler from Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Professional. This ensures the support for compilation of fminsearch algorithm and parfor loops. Some of the optimization task solvers require to have additional Matlab toolboxes installed (e.g. Gloptipoly together with the SeDuMi solver). After managing these issues, no further problems are expect to occur.